992 Search Results for Assessment and Special Education

D.E.A. "Tell Me and I'll Essay

These were followed by positive school climate, administrative support, collegial support and collegial friendships. At the bottom of the list were salary and benefits. Conversely, lack of administrative support, role conflict, and difficulty workin Continue Reading...

Smoking Cessation Program Essay

Program Evaluation Part II A WEB-BASED PROGRAM MODEL Needs Assessment for a Smoking Cessation Program Needs Assessment Program planning and evaluation must be preceded and interrelate with assessment strategies (Marrs & Helge, 2014). This suc Continue Reading...

Discreet Reasons As to Why Essay

This includes similar training for instructors, administrative staff, and those providing related services. All of these professionals need to be familiar with the same information since they are all playing vital roles in carrying out what is essen Continue Reading...

Child with Disability Essay

Inclusion of a Child With Disabilities Child With Disability Inclusion of a child with disabilities into a general education class Inclusion is a right that should be provided to all children. Parents fight for access to quality education to their Continue Reading...

Omnivore's Dilemma Popham on Level Essay

Allowing the students to "choose" the lesson, both empowers them and allows them a more engaging learning experience. Part 3 -- Questioning - Ineffective questioning typically asks for a rote memorization paradigm, as opposed to a more robust use o Continue Reading...

Career Plans In the Course Term Paper

I am particularly interested in the students who have challenges, either educationally or behaviorally. I feel that by working to develop new assessment tools it will be possible to further evaluate the skills and abilities for these students which Continue Reading...

NCLB Becoming a Teacher in Research Paper

e., test scores) and dictated by "best practices" that teachers are losing confidence in their own creativity. Yet, despite these unfortunate consequences of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the important work of teachers remains unchanged. That work is Continue Reading...

Florida Budget For All Its Research Proposal

Basically, the assessment stays the same from year to year, with only carefully documented changes. This allows NAEP to offer a clear snap shot of student academic progress over time. Just today, January 15, 2009, what was feared by many over the p Continue Reading...

Reading Programs Term Paper

Edmark and Reading Matery One of the greatest challenges for any educator is dealing with a student with reading difficulties. However, a number of different programs exist to deal with the different forms of comprehension difficulties such challeng Continue Reading...

Evaluation Online Esl Resources Essay

Website Reviews: English Language Learning Online Resources1. Identify the site\\\'s address (URL)Cambridge English Language Assessment (https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/ learning-english/Summarize the website\\\'s informationThis website features re Continue Reading...

Paraeducator Evaluation Essay

Abstract For decades, paraeducators have been contributing to special education by participating fully with general education teachers in the co-creation of inclusive classrooms. Paraeducators and other paraprofessionals working in education speciali Continue Reading...

Year Testing Vs Academic Performance Essay

Greenwood-LefloreAlignment between state and district assessment policies is what helps make for effective educational practices. This analysis compares the assessment policies of the Mississippi Department of Education with those of the Greenwood-Le Continue Reading...

IDEA Research Paper

IDEA; it’s Constituent Elements and Related Legal Challenges Introduction In order to provide an education program to the disabled, there is need to understand the policies, regulations and procedures for ensuring free appropriate public Educat Continue Reading...

Pennsylvania School Report Card Term Paper

DuFour’s Theory As part of promoting accountability in the education system and compliance with Common Core State Standards, the relevant state departments produce State Report Cards. The State Report Cards provide information regarding the pe Continue Reading...

Learning-Disabilities-and-Students Chapter

Long-Term Effects of Social Promotion on Student and Teacher There is a problem in an urban elementary school in Eastern New York. This problem specifically is the social promotion of fifth grade students. Currently, nothing is being done to addres Continue Reading...

James Madison High: TAKS Report Thesis

So too has this been true for male students as a whole population, as they have experienced ongoing declines in reader, social studies and science. 4. What are you doing as a school to improve the tested subject areas? These groups will be subject Continue Reading...

Pursuing Master Counseling Application Essay

Goal StatementPersonal, Academic and Professional Goals/Personal QualitiesI am seeking a Masters degree in school counseling with a general program specialization. My interest in pursuing a counseling degree is based on my desire to help young person Continue Reading...