999 Search Results for Assessment and Special Education

Goal of Indiana Students Reading Term Paper

Clickers/Responses Phonics Lesson Phonics Long Vowel - Silent e Lesson Plan for Special Education Objectives: Students will recognize and say words that follow the c-v-c-e and v-c-e rule where the first vowel is a long vowel and the final e is s Continue Reading...

Response to Intervention RTI Term Paper

RTI Response to Intervention Response to Intervention (RTI) Over the past decade, rapid changes have occurred in general educational practice to increase the focus on early identification of and intervention for students considered at risk. The ap Continue Reading...

Dunn, L. And D.M. Dunn. Article Review

The advantages of the PPVT-III are that it provides a quick estimate of the individua;'s verbal intelligence and can be administered to groups with reading problems or cognitive developmental issues. Because the individual may either speak or point Continue Reading...

Inclusion Over the Past Few Essay

Seeking support before a program is put into place is crucial, as it is this network of support that will serve to assist in solving the problems that will 6 inevitably arise. The second common roadblock is inadequate planning and scheduling for Continue Reading...

Age of Child and the Research Paper

Additionally, it is apparent that the nature of the phenomenon makes it amiable to a qualitative approach. The literature did identify notable exceptions to the qualitative approach that were useful interrogators of the theoretical basis for practic Continue Reading...

Literacy is One of the Term Paper

Roskos (2004) contradicts that in their article becasuse they explain how wonderful early literacy has become with getting new technology but forgets to mention that only schools that have the money are able to have theses luxuries. The article is m Continue Reading...


Foundations Do you think this student might have a learning disability? Why or why not? learning disability is referred to as affecting acquisition, organization, retention, and understanding of information, both verbal and nonverbal, as gauged fro Continue Reading...

Parenting Styles Term Paper

Parenting Styles The Effects of Parenting Styles on Students Achievement in Special Education Parents develop parenting styles that largely determine the type of parent-child relationship and the levels of development of children in various skills Continue Reading...

Technology in Learning of Elementary Thesis

For the purposes of this review, Web-based instruction is considered to be any educational or training program distributed over the Internet or an intranet and conveyed through a browser, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. Java applet Continue Reading...

Legal Rights of Students with Essay

The education of those students who do not meet the eligibility requirements remains the responsibility of general educator (bid., 66-56). Individualized Education Program and Individualized Family Service Plan Finally, it is time to develop the a Continue Reading...

Politics A Policy Issue in Term Paper

Superintendents must deal with student populations that change yearly as school choice options alter. These alterations will influence schools that have to present school choice, and schools that do not get Title 1 funds. The child who uses school c Continue Reading...

NCLB No Child Left Behind: Thesis

It has already been noted that schools have had to trim down on the subjects that are being taught, and the depths to which certain subjects are taught, and this ha of course had a direct effect on teachers' ability to both direct their own teaching Continue Reading...


(Heal and Rusch, 1995) In a separate study entitled: "Improving graduation and employment outcomes of students with disabilities" Predictive factors and student perspectives" Benz, Lindstrom, and Yovanoff (2000) report findings from two studies tha Continue Reading...

Peer Tutoring for Children With Term Paper

A to increase academic engagement and achievement in math, reading, and spelling for general education and at-risk students; to increase spelling achievement for general education elementary students and for students with mild disabilities in self Continue Reading...

Pros & Cons of Inclusive Term Paper

Furthermore, he argues that trying to force all students into the inclusion mold is just as coercive and discriminatory as trying to force all students into the mold of a special education class or residential institution. Others argue against the c Continue Reading...

Chitiyo, M. & Wheeler, J. Article Review

In examining this issue, the authors identify several key issues that may play a part in creating barriers to positive behavior support implementation by educators and administrators. These issues include a questioning of the essential functionality Continue Reading...

Principles of Idea and NCLB Research Paper

NCLB The federal government drafted the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) to promote equality amongst disabled children. The Act provides that all children with disabilities should receive equal opportunities, economic self sufficiency, inde Continue Reading...

Memory As a Child, when I Was Essay

memory as a child, when I was just four years old, continues to haunt me until this day nearly 50 years later. The eldest of five children in an impoverished dysfunctional family, my mother often made me look after my younger siblings. My mother was Continue Reading...

Universal Design for Learning Term Paper

Part 1 – UDL Background Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a concept that refers to a series of principles for curriculum development that are used to give people equal opportunities for learning. Through its set of principle, UDL provides Continue Reading...