652 Search Results for Addiction and the Brain

Public Safety Department of Drexel Essay

An environment where abuse is condoned can make students feel as if something is 'wrong' with them if they do not overindulge. Fraternities and other organizations which host parties need to confront their role in setting the tone for the campus an Continue Reading...

Marijuana in the 21st Century Term Paper

The state currently spends a great deal of money on detaining people on marijuana related offenses. Legalization could help to free up some of these resources which could then be used on more important programs throughout the state. When examining Continue Reading...

Nature and Nurture NATURE Vs. Term Paper

(O'Neill, 2001, p. 34) There is growing evidence to support the claim that certain behaviors are in found hardwired in your DNA. Conventional thinking had usually been that children are always products of their environment and it is this ecological Continue Reading...

Depression Among Adolescents Term Paper

The Social Issue Depression is a significant social issue of interest to me as I have seen it affect numerous people in my own life and have even struggled with it at times myself. Depression has caused people to take their lives: Chester Bennington, Continue Reading...

Marijuana Legalization Research Paper

Marijuana Legalization Marijuana, also known as marihuana, is a drug that is taken from Cannabis sativa, a hemp plant. It is one of the most frequently used and popular drugs in the world along with caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. The United States Continue Reading...

Digital Nation: Life on the Essay

Most importantly, that problem may also be somewhat transitory and merely a function of the fact that computer gaming environments are still relatively new phenomena. Ultimately, it is quite probable that the next generation of young people will not Continue Reading...

Marijuana Causes and the Effect Essay

There is a large, well-maintained drug smuggling organization that provides marijuana to American users, and many of those organizations are located in Mexico. They are violent, gang-oriented, they have a stronghold over Mexican society, and they do Continue Reading...

Innocent Child Archetype of the Essay

Jung believed that the unconscious mind has two very distinct layers. The first layer is the personal unconscious. The personal unconscious is where the individual's memories of experiences and events reside. The collective unconscious, on the other Continue Reading...

Women in Jails Women in Research Paper

Not only was it cost effective but the study also reported that offenders who were treated in the community setting were 43% less likely to reoffend compared to the prison population clearly suggesting the effectiveness of community-based sentences. Continue Reading...

Medications to Treat Alcoholism This Thesis

It is interesting to note that Tambour and Quertemont studied the effects of the same two drugs plus Disulfiram, an alcohol-deterrent drug. Their findings, in reviewing other studies, indicated slightly different results from Richardson. Since diff Continue Reading...

Yoga Classical Yoga, the Yoga Term Paper

As recognition of the mind, body, spirit connection grows, consumers and healthcare providers are turning to alternative and complementary medical strategies to reduce stress, maintain health, and address health issues (Ainsworth). Nurses and nursi Continue Reading...

Toxic Childhood Leads To Drug Abuse Essay

Title: The Impact of Toxic Childhood on Drug Abuse Introduction Childhood is a critical period in a person's life, shaping their beliefs, behaviors, and future outcomes. Unfortunately, for some individuals, a toxic childhood can have lasting effect Continue Reading...

CBD Oil Essay

Abstract In this essay, we discuss CBD Oil.  We discuss what CBD oil is, the benefits it has, the potential side effects from using it, the different types of CBD oil available, who can take it, and the best CBD oils.  By the time you fini Continue Reading...

Investigative Psychology Essay

Psychology Analysis of the crime scene After Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced, he was taken to the Correctional Institution of Columbia, located in Portage; a town in Wisconsin. During his first incarceration year, Dahmer was confined separately in ord Continue Reading...

Psychology and Its Many Subdisciplines Essay

Psychology is a diverse discipline encompassing a number of different subject areas. These areas are tied together by the common idea of understanding the psychological processes that drive our behavior. This gives rise to a number of different disci Continue Reading...

Analyzing the Alcohol Abuse Essay

Alcohol Abuse (Research Draft) Alcohol abuse differs from excessive drinking, despite several people using the two terms interchangeably. The concept of "excessive" drinking has largely been a social notion, and such social standards undergo changes Continue Reading...

Analyzing Psychology Dual Diagnosis

Dual Diagnosis Arlene's case as was explained by her husband, revealed that she underestimated the risk posed by behaviours, such as self-injury, excessive gambling and aggression. These symptoms are often exhibited by patients on the impulsive end Continue Reading...