Search Engine and Google Chapter

Total Length: 1032 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Industry and Competitive Analysis

Industry Analysis

Google offers services three industries. The first industry is the internet industry, through Goole search engine, Gmail and Google Adwords as product offerings. Secondly, there is the computer software industry through Chrome OS, Picasa, Google Earth and Picasa as product offerings. This service works in tandem with the mobile operating software industry as Google bought Android. Third, there is the consumer electronics industry with Google offering Chromebook, Google TV and Nexus as product offerings. One of the distinctive elements of these industries is the proliferation of technology in the market. With the increase in innovation, these industries face the trend of having new products offerings and services in the market, which prompts the need for more products and invention. In addition, there is a greater increase in consumer preference, which prompts the need to ensure that consumer needs are satisfied. This is why Google and its rivals constantly update their products, in order to suit the preferences of consumers (Buganza and Della Valle, 2010).

Competitive Analysis

Google faces intense competition from different companies and in different markets. The following is an analysis of different companies that substantially rival products and services offered by Google (Perreault et al., 2015).

1. Facebook Inc.

With respect to social networking, Facebook is deemed as the most preferred company to go to. In particular, the platform/site makes it possible for users to share information, post videos and photos as well as connect with other users through their social profiles.
Facebook significantly rivals Google in the area of advertising, which is one of the main revenue sources of the firm. Presently, Facebook Inc. has more than 1.4 billion active users every month (Sun, 2015). Therefore, it offers Google a great deal of competition as it makes it the most prominent source of advertisement on social media for consumers. The efficient and modernized app for Facebook together with its capacity to quickly grow a hidden network of third-party apps and website by means of particular sign-ons goes on to offer intense competition to Google. More so, it is imperative to point out that social networks developed by Google such as Pyra Labs, Orkut social network and Google Wave service have all been unsuccessful in posing a challenge to Facebook (Market Line, 2015). Restricted accomplishment of Google's social networks is a competitive shortcoming particularly as the social platforms carry the advantage of attracting greater advertising and are projected to grow further. Directly contending with established players such as Facebook for social network user base continues to be a demanding undertaking for Google (Market Line, 2015).

1. Apple Inc.

Apple competes with Google on the mobile operating system market. Google entered into this particular market through the acquisition of Android. Android enjoys numerous distinctive advantages and is now a principal player in the operating systems' market. This mobile operating system is utilized by several….....

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