Science and Religion There Is Term Paper

Total Length: 1661 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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For science it seemed illogical that the man was created in one day, copying the image of a being that supposedly has no face or body, and therefore, no image to create alike. The man is too strongly related to other animals as to be completely foreign to the other species. He has to be part of a group and live by the same rules that dominate the rest of the living creatures. There has to be a link between man and animals if there are so many similarities between all of the life forms on the planet, and there is a path than can trace man's origins to the same as animals'. But this theory leaves a great hole that makes it inconsistent and brings it to question as accurate.

There must be more to this 'creation' of man than science achieves to explain, more than simple coincidence of natural selection. Especially considering that the species resulting in the most intelligent creature on the planet was not a strong or endowed organism, but a rather weak and simple one. Following the logic of natural selection that this theory implies, the evolution of humans should have resulted from another kind of species, one stronger or provided with natural weapons, one that would have been more likely to survive above all the other animals and achieve special manual abilities.

In this light, the evolution theory leaves a hole in the logic assumption that the perfect order of the universe would take a turn that would be rather illogic. That would mean that behind the evolution of man there should be a plan and logic and that this evolution was not merely coincidental as science tries to make it appear.

As long as both approaches have a logical point and leave unanswered questions the contradiction between science and religion will always exist......

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