Rwjf and IOM the Robert Wood Johnson Essay

Total Length: 1087 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) decided to partner with the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to discuss the "Future of Nursing" and worked to document ways that the field of Nursing could support health issues of today. They decided to undertake this objective in order to deliberate and study potential answers to address the many complicated health problems facing not only the U.S. But all countries of the world (Robert Wood Johnson, 2011). In addition to documenting solutions, they wanted to address the concerns at the most suitable timing to coincide with governmental policy concerning health reforms. Thirdly they desired to put in place improvements that would actually impact the health of citizens not just create more policy. In the U.S. The new Health Care Reform bill that was passed will significantly change how health care is implemented. RWJF felt that they needed to strengthen the nursing labor force and IOM became involved. Together they believed they could under gird the nursing industry by positioning them to facilitate how health care is administered in the new system. The collaboration of the two organizations brought credibility and support to the effort (Robert Wood Johnson, 2011). Both organizations were on one accord that the level of nursing desired would not be achieved without raising the bar in terms of education, leadership, and licensure.

The importance of the IOM report was to elevate the role and expertise nursing had to offer to health care (Robert Wood Johnson, 2011). Nursing as a whole has the opportunity to become more relevant and instrumental in consolidating the solutions that result in a quality health experience (Robert Wood Johnson, 2011).
The report on the "Future of Nursing" is the result of dedicated research and study that fosters agreement and commitment from the medical community as well as nursing workforce. It is designed to promote the highest quality of health care and prevent illness for the lives of all people (Robert Wood Johnson, 2011). The nursing profession needs the support of the entire industry of health professionals in order to carry out their mission. It is important for other health professionals to recognize the value the nursing profession brings to health care and realize how it can be utilized to enhance their own health practices. The aim of IOM is to elevate nursing in the eyes of health professionals as a valuable asset in supporting their efforts.

The Campaign for Action is designed to get States involved in establishing coalitions of nursing professionals to communicate the "Future of Nursing" recommendations.

The purpose of the Campaign is to implement the recommendations and support all Americans in receiving the very best quality of health care that is patient-centered (Robert Wood Johnson, 2011). It calls for all levels of health care professionals to join the effort including sectors of health, business, community, as well as consumer groups. These coalitions have the job of working with state leaders in achieving the "Future of Nursing" initiatives.

Four Key Areas of Focus for "Future of Nursing" (, 2012)

1. Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training.

2. Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression.

3. Nurses should….....

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