Russia American Business John S.) Term Paper

Total Length: 1027 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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It is recommended for Americans doing business in Russia to learn the Russian titles for Mr. And Mrs. And to have an understanding of the fact that Russians have three names as opposed to two in America (the third being the middle patronymic) (Wilson, 1996). Relations between Americans and Russians in business are new, however many Russians speak English, yet writing documents in the Russian language is necessary. Furthermore, negotiations with Russians are a much more intense affair than in America as Russians are tough and try to wear down through lengthy negotiations. "Russians view compromise as a sign of weakness," and thus stick to their beliefs and may lose their temper, make threats, or walk out of business meetings- actions which will appear unprofessional as American norms (Wilson, 1996). This is a custom in Russian business relations, but something that may be new to Americans. Russians may engage in theatrical behavior as well.

Americans doing business in Russia have to be aware of the Russian tough minded tendency and not show weakness that could lead to weaker business fortunes. Doing business with Americans is important to Russians, yet Russians are not willing to compromise as much as Americans are, as Americans believe compromise to often be essential while Russians consider it a weakness. Also, the Russian business system tends to be much more corrupt than the American system and American have to be aware of this as a possible hurdle to encounter that they are not used to. But it is part of the Russian way of doing business.

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And it is imperative for Americans to act strong and be professional and to show up in time even if it is no guarantee that their Russian business counterpart will. Lastly, Americans must follow the strict (for foreigners) registration policies to travel to and do business in Russia.

Increasingly, business relations between the United States and Russia are on the upswing, and even more so if considering that business relations were so weak only fifteen years ago. As Russia has incredible business opportunities for Americans, and vise-versa, in which the governments are cooperating to foster better business relations, American business men and women need to be prepared to experience some cultural differences. That being they need to understand the art of Russian negotiations and of course conduct themselves with a level of professionalism expected in both the American and Russian business world. Equipped with a proper perspective on both the similarities and differences between Russian and American business customs and possibilities, Americans can be more successful in the future in doing business with Russia......

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