Rural Education in the United Term Paper

Total Length: 1313 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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Because the teacher salaries in rural areas are generally lower than in urban areas, more highly educated teachers tend to opt for positions in urban areas. A possible lack of proper education can then influence a teacher's ability to identify the specific needs of all learners. Some for example may have specialized learning barriers that require a particular method of education. Once identified, a less highly trained teacher may also not have the necessary training to handle the specific needs of such a learner. This impacts upon the preparation of learners for the labor market.

2. Financial limitations within rural education also impacts upon the physical equipment and learning aids that teachers and learners have access to. Some special needs children and those with disabilities for example require specialized equipment to help them optimize their learning experience. A lack of funds impacts negatively upon the learning needs of such learners.

3. A lack of funding in urban areas also impacts negatively upon children with special learning abilities, which places them above the level of their peers in terms of academic results. Like children with disabilities, these children also need special learning equipment to help them excel in the learning environment. Technological resources such as the Internet, library and other research resources may not be adequate to handle the needs of these children.

4. Another perceived problem of rural education is that teachers in these areas may adhere to more traditional teaching methods. Teachers in such areas may for example be more likely to come from a rural education themselves. Concomitantly with a general lack of quality teaching education, this may be a factor in a lack of recognition in terms of Standard #3. Traditional methods may include elements such as lecturing rather than discussion and textbook learning rather than experiential, field learning.

5. The traditional teaching paradigm may be reinforced by parental and community involvement in educating children. Like rural teachers, the likelihood of parents having grown up in a traditional, rural education is high. This, along with the fact that there is a high level of community involvement in school education, may encourage the paradigm of traditional classroom practices. Furthermore, the parents of children with special needs or abilities may not themselves recognize these learning needs in their children. Their involvement in the education process may further discourage truly meeting or even recognizing such needs.


From the above, it is interesting to note that may of the possible advantages of rural school education could also be problematic when viewed from a different angle. This indicates that many perceived problems of rural education might be fairly easily changed to advantages with the necessary commitment of all role players.

Two major problems are however funding and concomitantly the lack of quality teacher education for those living and working in urban areas. These are major problems that need to be addressed by means of legislation, policy making, and financial grants. A major strength in rural areas, however, is community unity. This paradigm can be utilized to address funding and educational shortcomings on the governmental level.

According to the Organizations Concerned about Rural Education (2006), a continuous assessment of needs, especially in high-poverty areas, is necessary if the future of the American rural community is to be uplifted and ensured. The entity also encourages communities to create change on both the governmental and local levels......

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