Rubber SAP Middleman in Thailand Business Plan

Total Length: 4519 words ( 15 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 15

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This implies that the proposed business will have a good market to source its sap. Secondly, Thailand's market also offers a good platform for the proposed business model. Farmers have previously had to get less money from rubber farming: they have been forced to sell their sap quickly at a lower price because they cannot store the product. This business model promotes the growth of the business.

B. Target Customers in Thailand

The target customers in Thailand are the commercial businesses purchasing sap for industrial use. The business will supply sap to these ventures at a cost when the market allows the business to make some profits. The business will also be supplying the sap to other private companies that may demand the sap. The competitions that the business will face include the dominant companies, which have previously engaged in the sap industry.

V. Marketing and Sales Plan

A. Marketing Strategy

The success of this business plan will significantly depend on the marketing strategy that will be employed by the business. This is because the business seeks to make profits and expand. The two depend on the volumes of sales of sap that the business will make. Consequently, employing an effective marketing strategy is paramount to ensure that the business can sell more sap to the identified sap markets. It is important for the management team of this business plan to employ effective marketing strategies that will ensure that the stored sap, which is ready for sale, gets good market and sells at a good price. This will play a critical role in ensuring that the business remains in the course of sustaining its profit margins.

For this business, the main purpose of the marketing strategy is to promote the sale of sap to the ripe markets. The marketing strategies to be employed include undertaking promotional activities such as advertizing in the media about the quality sap that is available to the market. This will play a critical role in maintaining an informed market, thus boosting the demand for sap from the business. The other strategy that will be employed is branding the sap sold by the business. Besides, the sap will be well packaged, named, and advertized as a good product for the markets. Branding will play a critical role in pushing up the demand for sap in the markets.

B. Pricing

Pricing will also play a critical role in ensuring that the proposed business plan is a success. This is because the proposed business is involved in the purchase and sale of sap into the markets when the market is ripe. In other words, pricing plays a critical role in both the buying and the selling processes of management. Good and market sensitive pricing mechanisms would play a critical role in ensuring that the business is not only making profits, but is also able to sustain the profits in the industry. It will make the business effective in conducting its trade transactions on sap while operating optimally on a good profit margin. This is critical for the success of this plan.

One of the pricing strategies that will be employed by the management of the proposed business plan is pricing the sap for purchase according to the prevailing market conditions. Moreover, the management of the business has a critical role of ensuring that the prices of the sap that is purchased and sold is at a given market rate. Sometimes, this is not an easy process because various market changes occur. However, the management has still to consider the aggregate figures of pricing sap at various seasons so that the business can make profits.

For instance, in the last about five years, the figures for the sap industry that may determine the pricing of sap are as follows. First, one Rai may hold an estimated 100 trees and 100 trees may offer an approximate 16.66 kilo a day. For about 20 days, the trees may offer 333.2 kilo of sap. The farmers often sell a kilo of sap at 60 baht: a farmer has to be paid an estimated 19,992 bahts per month according to these calculations. The proposed business may purchase this amount of sap from various farmers. This means that the management team has to negotiate good buying prices for the sap, and sell the sap at a higher price when the market is ripe.

C. Sales Plan

The sales plan for this proposed business plan is a critical aspect of business that has been well addressed in this plan. The sales plan of this business is such a critical aspect of business by the nature of business that the company will engage.

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The proposed company is an agency business that seeks to enable the farmers to market their sap effectively at a good price and enable the proprietors to make profits. All this has significant implications from the sales plan for the success of the business will depend on the sales volumes of sap that the company will sell to the market.

The sales plan of this proposed business captures the persons, and entities involved in the business transactions of the company. Besides, these people have been entrusted with the task of ensuring that right purchases for sale are made, and the right sales are effective. The proposed business has a management team of four couples who would directly be involved in the purchase and sale of the sap. Besides, they will participate in trading sap and ensuring that the business makes good sales in all seasons.

The sales plan strategy for this proposed business plan captures the need to boost the sales volume of the company. The management team will ensure that sap that has been bought, treated, and stored will be sold at a good price. This demands that the management seeks to establish the commercial consumers of sap. This will play a critical role in ensuring that the business not only has sufficient avenues for the sale of sap but the sale to the commercial consumers at a good price.

Finally, this proposed business will also employ other sales strategies to ensure that the company can sustain its sales at various times of the year. First, the management will ensure that there are sufficient reserves of sap for sale by the company for sale. This will ensure that the business can serve the diverse markets. Secondly, the management will ensure that sap is sold only when the market is ripe: the sap will be sold when the demand and prices of sap are favorable. This will ensure that the sap stored by the business will be able to sale off with speed, and at a good price.

D. Advertising and Promotion

Advertizing and promotion are also important aspects for the success of my proposed business. This is critical considering the nature of this proposed business. The proposed business is a profit-making venture involved in the purchase, and sale of rubber sap. The process of purchasing and selling the rubber sap to the target market significantly depends on how the sap will be marketed. Effective marketing process of the sap for sale demands a proactive marketing strategy for the business. In this case, advertising and promotion play a premise role in ensuring that the sap in the proposed business gets favorable markets.

In addition, the proposed business will employ advertising and promotion to reach out to the mass markets and farmers involved in rubber farming. The purpose of adverting and promotion to this proposed business is to create a good market condition that will enable the business flourish. This is because the market will be informed on the offers of the business through the advertizing and promotional activities. The farmers will be informed off the opportunities that the business has offered them. Besides, the potential buyers of the sap will also be informed of the available sap for sale (Planet, 2012).

The proposed business will be involved in advertizing and promotion in various ways. First, the business will employ the mass media avenues to advertise the available sap for sale when the markets are ripe. Besides, the management will employ the use of the radio, television, and print media services to market the sap they have to wider markets. These advertisements will allow the market players to be informed on the opportunities existing in the company. This ultimately will lead the company to sell more sap and register high profit ratios.

E. Channels of Distribution

The nature of this proposed business involved distribution of sap to the buyers, and transportation of sap from rubber farmers to the business premises. The choice of the channels of distribution that will be employed by the business is critical for its success. This is because the choice of channels of distribution of sap will affect the processes of purchases, and sale of the sap. An effective….....

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