Root Factors Affecting the U.S. Essay

Total Length: 1781 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Almost every major counterinsurgency in the 20th century failed, according to van Creveld, a historian at Hebrew University, due not to ethnocentrism to unfamiliarity with guerrilla warfare. Ethnocentrism and belief in the nation's superiority over the other might have been present, but it may have been evinced only later due to frustration, or was a secondary factor (Pilkins, 2005). American failure in the Iraqi conflict is complex. Arrogance certainly present, unfamiliarity with guerrilla warfare may also play a significant part leading to American frustration and exacerbating their condescension and superciliousness.

II Conclusion

Using two examples -- that of one of America's first battles at the start of its history and the ongoing Iraqi conflict, this essay demonstrates how U.S. military failure can be reduced to two possibly related factors: political corruption that creeps into the army and interferes with positions and posts, consequently destructing the moral and functioning of the troops and secondly, the very persona of the American nation itself: condescension to a foreign nation and arrogant in its assumption of itself.
Potentially, more powerful than Iraq, American has only created hostility and feud due to its egotistical, overbearing and often, recklessly demeaning treatment of the other.

The tale that would end the "Warrior King's career' was that of his soldiers needlessly plunging two innocent Iraqis into the cold Tigris and one of them drowning.

As the author comments, the tale on the night of the Tigris is analogous to the "dark passage that lay ahead for the American in Iraq" for their failure is indicated in that tale......

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