Romanian Education in Romania According Term Paper

Total Length: 1085 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The language of instruction in schools and universities is Romanian, but Hungarian and German are also used for the benefit of the country's two largest ethnic minorities.

The Pre-University Level ("nv? mantul Preuniversitar) is structured in 4 cycles: Kindergarten, Primary school comprised or two 4-grade periods - grades I to IV and grades V to VIII, and High school (Liceu) - four or five grades (grades IX to XII/XIII). There are two categories of higher education: Vocational education ("nv? mant profesional ?i tehnic), which can continue or supplant High School to prepare students for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, and Higher education (Studii Superioare) organized (or in the process of being organized) according to the principles of the Bologna process, which aims at the construction of the European higher education area. It has the following four components: Bachelor-3 years in most disciplines, Master (Masterat) 2 years in most disciplines, Doctorate (Doctorat) at least 3 years, and Lifelong learning (cursuri postuniversitare, formare continu?), which includes postgraduate education occurring outside the Master/Doctorate framework.

The 1995 Law of Education is the act which constitutes the framework of the state and private school system. Art. 8. (2) of this Law of Education concerns the right of persons belonging to national minorities to learn in their mother-tongue and the right to be educated in that language are guaranteed under the provisions of this law.

Since 1945, the population growth of Romania's Hungarians has markedly slowed down. With the exception of the Szekler Region, where the birth rate still exceeds the death rate, the population decrease is due to the high death rate.

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Furthermore, emigration has significantly contributed to the decrease of Romania's Hungarian-speaking population. It is estimated that some 100,000 ethnic Hungarians have left the country since the 1970s (Capita 2007).

The Constitution, adopted in 1991 and confirmed by a referendum, declares Romania to be a nation state whose official language is the Romanian language. The Constitution lays down several fundamental minority rights, such as the right of ethnic identity (Art. 6), and the right to a native-language education. The education law which came into force in 1995 restricted the possibilities for native-language and church education. The government emergency decree 36/1997 did remove the anti-minority provisions of the education law, but the new education law passed in 1999 based on that decree includes numerous restrictions in the sphere of minority-language education.

There are still improvements to be made in the field of education and some of them concern the ability of a child to get an education in his or her native language without going to a church-related school. The process of this improvement in education is slow but should improve......

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