Roman Holiday Film Review: "Roman Thesis

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Ann fantasizes about becoming like an ordinary woman, marveling at what she sees at the good, unspoiled Joe's gallantry, as he takes her through the city, allows her to do whatever she likes, unlike the other people in her life, and as far as she knows, for no reason. After he helps her flee from her royal pursuers, the princess longs that the two of them can run off and become ordinary: "I'm a good cook. I could earn my living at it. I can sew too and clean a house and iron. I learned to do all those things. I just haven't had the chance to do it for anyone.
" But Hepburn's unearthly beauty ultimately belies her attempts to conceal her royalty, just like any princess, the shoe fits onto the foot, and her aristocracy asserts itself. But just as much as the appearance of the film contrasts royalty and the earthy, common conditions of Rome, the contrast of the princess' physical appearance and Hepburn's central place in the narrative defines the film beginning and end of the film. She begins the film controlled by others and ends the film, just as beautiful as before, but finally speaking for herself at a press conference, albeit obliquely as a royal must speak: "I have faith in relations between people.".....

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