Role Personalized Marketing (Called -- Marketing), Companies Essay

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role personalized marketing (called -- marketing), companies strive create a unique product offering consumer. The changing landscape traditional advertising methods effective consumers turn Internet mass media, evolution newer pricing models Internet, including channel intermediaries retailers seek compete pure-play Internet retailers.

The role of personalized marketing online

Recently, a friend of mine desired to create and develop a website to advertise a product she was selling. She could not afford a professional web designer. However, while surfing the Internet, she noticed a personal blog that was beautifully designed and contacted the person credited with developing the website. The amateur designer was a full-time stay-at-home mother who designed blogs in her spare time, to generate some extra income. Through contacting this designer and negotiating with her, my friend was able to secure a far lower price for her website, simply by doing some research. She did not have to use a prefabricated template for the website, but because of the availability of research opportunities on the Internet, she was able to obtain the uniquely personalized, customized product they desired.

This is an example of how the Internet has empowered consumers and enabled them to find a better deal, through careful research and bargaining.

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New pricing models, including one-on-one bartering and auction-style sales have come into prominence because of the structure of the World Wide Web, where consumers can have information at their fingertips. Consumers can easily search for the best deals through shopping around via Google or using specific Internet sites that act as portals, listing various prices of the same item on different Internet sites. The ability to find truly personalized services, not simply goods and services that are distinguished in a generic form from rivals on price is one of the most unique features of commerce on the World Wide Web.

The Internet has also enabled niche market consumers to find items fairly easily, even if they are not necessarily looking for the best deal, but for a special item. Consumers can order everything from customized M&Ms to built-from-scratch furniture online. Through portals such as Etsy, where consumers sell hand-crafted items, buyers are able to find truly unique, one-of-a-kind items. This transcends the usual 'personalized' offerings of….....

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