Role of Communication in Cross-Cultural Management Term Paper

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Role of Communication in Cross Cultural Management

We are engaged in interaction with others all the time in one way or the other at our homes, at our jobsites and in our associations within the community. Irrespective of the fact our understanding with each other the communication is considered difficult. 'Culture' becomes a crucial issue in respect of communicational problems. The methodology for confronting the communication problems and our involvement in the associations within the society are determined by our cultural aspects. Our involvement in groups often reveals astonishing facts about the approach of the people towards working collaboratively. Culture is a complicated concept with varied implications. However, simply the 'culture' can be expressed as a group or community with whom we ventilate our common experiences that design the way we appreciate the world. It incorporates the groups that we are succumbed to like gender, race, or national origin. (DuPraw; Axner, 1997)

It also incorporates the groups to which are part and partial of. To illustrate, a new culture can be acquired by adopting a new religion, by a variation in our economic status or by becoming disabled. While we are thinking of culture in such a wider angle, we acknowledge that we all belong to many cultures at a time. As the people from varied cultural groups confront the criticalities of working together, there grows a conflict between the cultural values. There exists a misunderstanding with one another and result in the responses that affects the positive relationships among them. Sometimes, it is quite impossible to acknowledge that the culture is influencing us. The mode in which the people interact with each other differs very broadly between and even within the cultures. One phase of communication style is the use of language. Taking into consideration the cultural aspects the words and phrases are seen to be used in different angles. (DuPraw; Axner, 1997)

To illustrate, even in English Speaking countries, the meaning of yes differs from 'may be, I'll consider it' to imply 'definitely so' with many variations between. The magnitude of significance accorded to the non-verbal communication is considered to be a major aspect of the mode of communication. The non-verbal communication incorporates not only the facial gestures; it also incorporates the seating designing, personal intimacy, and the significance of time. Moreover, different principles with regard to appropriate degree of assertiveness in communication is supplementing to the cultural misunderstandings. To illustrate, some white Americans particularly consider enhanced voices as a symbol that a fight has begun, while some black, Jewish and Italian-Americans sometimes feel that an enhanced volume is a symbol of an exhilarating conversation among the friends. Similarly, some white Americans may be responsive with a greater alarm to a loud discussion than that of the American ethnic or non-white racial groups. (DuPraw; Axner, 1997)

The improvements brought out in respect of communication technologies and global integration has revolutionized the organizations all world wide. The globalization market that incorporates the labor is visualized to be increasingly varied. The effective arrangement of such cultural variedness depends upon the effective awareness of the organizations about the materializations of this diversity and its influences on the organizational and international business environments. (Cross-Cultural Management and Communication Research) Within the business environment, cross cultural communication indicates to the communication among persons and varied cultures. This is visualized to be a significant matter in the era of globalization and integration. The successful cross-cultural communication is concerned with surpassing diversities in culture spreading over the nations, religion, borders, culture and behavior. The cross cultural communication is considered challenging to the business environment. The significance of cross cultural communication is visualized amidst the cultural diversities evident with the emerging cities and countries in between staffs, colleagues, customers and clients. (Payne, 2004)

The consequences and problems arising out of mismanagements and miscommunication are quite present daily. (Knotts, 1989) The incidents of cross-cultural matters come out in the sphere of organizations since the companies in different countries vary with the organization of their daily business. Some of the remarkable disparities are as follows: The various organs of a corporation enjoy powers relatively in consonance with the functions of the corporation in the country where the headquarters of the organization is situated. Besides, the methodology with which the information is transformed within a company differs considerably from country to country. The cross-cultural variations are considerably important in case of deployments on hire. (Managing Cross-Cultural Differences in International Projects)

The problems are not expected to spread only with the enhanced interactions with the differed cultures and it is quite wrong to expect that the mechanical relations and communications will not improve.

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The discernment of the leaders, managers and communicators is perceived as a significant source of miscommunication and misunderstanding. To illustrate if the people assume that their values and habits are considered advanced than those involved in any other culture, this is represented in the mode of their communication. The organizational leaders are considered responsible for recognizing the enhanced problems and the obligations for eradicating its sources. However, most of the organizations have no updated knowledge of the present trends or the changes that occurs around them in the sphere of international business. (Knotts, 1989)

The reformation of organizational structures of corporations and industries, and the rationalization as well variations for effective management of within the organization are considered essential. The change management is not perceived to succeed unless effective communication is restored. The successful communication in turn is based on the awareness of the significant role the culture plays in any change program. (Barrett, 2003) The understanding of the cultural differences can favorably influence the success of a business. The cross-cultural understanding is advantageous towards the improved staff communication and enhances the customer relations and effective client management. The increasing globalization in respect of the companies emphasizes the significance of the cultural factors to be a key aspect of success. The improvement in intercultural management skills is considered most essential for the managers facing the realities of the international cultural diversities at greater magnitudes. (Gancel; Hills, 1997)

The business managers globally concur that the success of the company to a great extent depends on the intensity of its international expansion. When such expansion is considered essential universally, however, the specific process of international communication that the company should resort to seems to differ widely. Largely, such differing opinions result from varied cultural aspects. The separation of power in the internal organization of some multinational companies is no longer as centralized as the traditional ones. The geographic origin of the company was taken to be the most significant determining economic factor of a group in the past. Presently, the motives of the sub-groups cater to significantly in making the strategic company decisions. The inherent ideology of the company must therefore essentially be redefines so as to become one of negotiation. The awareness of the cultural values of the client is considered a crucial determinant of the success of company. The communication involved in respect of external business also must take into consideration such factors. (Tixier, 1997)

The experiences of globalization and internationalization have offered the companies to compete for orders proposed worldwide. The business world presently is not confined to the neighboring cultures. The demarcations of zones on mono-cultural and ethnocentric bases have been disintegrated. The international companies have been compelled to adapt to the traditions and conventions of local governments. Their efforts to become aware of the perspectives of international clients abroad have become necessary to identify meticulously the crucial aspects of a project indistinguishable from the home offices. The successful communication takes all these elements into account. The emphasis on such cultural aspects in determining the future of the internationalization of the company is considered crucial. It is quite impossible, of course, with few limitations to communicate through force, as it is equally impossible to advance a unique message. However, the absolute necessity of individually unique cultures of the company is increasingly felt. The company culture is required to be defined in such a way that it is adaptable and modified in consonance with the cultures worldwide. The efficiency of business presently is based on the safeguard of this equilibrium. (Tixier, 1997)

The managers are required to have the necessary ability to communicate with the divergent cultural communicators for their success in the contemporary globalization circumstances. 3 The cultural variations in the multicultural teams are susceptible to generate misunderstanding between the team members prior to establishment of their trustworthiness with each other. Generation of trustworthiness is therefore considered a crucial phase in the creation and development of such teams. The manager of a multicultural team is essential to recognize that generation of trust among the members hailing from different communities is considered a complicated process as each culture has its own process of generating trust and have a different representation of the concept of trust. (DuPraw; Axner, 1997) The cyclic occurrence of listening and speaking is essential for cross cultural communication. Speaking effectively does not imply good….....

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