Roger's Theory of the Development of Personality Term Paper

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Carl Roger's Theory Of Personality Development

In Rogerian therapy the therapist enters into the client's "phenomenological world" and in mirroring this world the therapist does not disagree nor point out contradictions, nor delve into the unconscious ( focuses on immediate conscious experience, a process of freeing a person by removing obstacles thus allowing normal growth and development to take place and thereby the client becomes independent and self-directed ( therapist must be "congruent, have unconditional positive regard for the client as well as show empathic understanding...and to be completely genuine," by communicating back to the client an understanding of feelings and personal meanings as they are experienced ( core tendency is to actualize one's inherent potentialities, although this potential exists in all living organisms, humans possess the additional form of self-actualization ( to Rogers, "of basic importance is the fact that one's inherent potentialities are genetically determined, while the self-concept is socially determined" ( important influences are conditional positive regard, conditions of worth, incongruence, unconditional positive regard, and congruence (

Alfred F. Carlozzi and Kay S. Ells Bull hypothesized in a 1995 study that empathy is positively related to creativity and expressiveness and inversely related to dogmatism (Carlozzi, Bull 1995). The participants were 56 graduate students, 41 women and 15 men, enrolled in counseling and education psychology, the average age was 33.7 years (Carlozzi, Bull 1995).

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The Affective Sensitivity Scale, Form E-A-2 was used to measure empathy, by measuring an "individual's ability to detect and describe the immediate affective state of another in a given situation" (Carlozzi, Bull 1995). It included a "color film of 28 scenes and a test booklet containing 57 multiple-choice items with three alternative statements in each item" (Carlozzi, Bull 1995). Respondents were to select statements that most accurately identified the feelings of individuals in each scene which were taken from a variety of real-life interactions (Carlozzi, Bull 1995). Affective Sensitivity Scale total scores were obtained by totaling the number of correct responses; sensitization to the type of activities considered creative were provided with a transparency that listed 40 types of creative activities in seven categories: "artistic, literary, performing arts, inventions, design, crafts, and managerial/teaching" (Carlozzi, Bull 1995).

The results provided support for the hypotheses that empathy (affective sensitivity) is "positively related to creativity and is inversely related to dogmatism," but does not support the hypothesized positive relationship between empathy and expressiveness (Carlozzi, Bull 1995).The findings suggest….....

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