Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Four Essay

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Four Contemporary Artists That Will Likely Be Successful in the Future

It is difficult to determine which artists will continue to have an impact on society and release music that appeals to audiences aesthetically and financially. Moreover, continuously changing tastes require that a recording artist create music that will stand the test of time and continue to appeal to audiences. Given the changing world of the recording industry -- one where artist development is no longer a priority -- it is important for an artist to know who they are and what they represent before they are even introduced to the public. Regardless on the number of albums that are released by an artist or group, induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is contingent on said artist making a contribution that changes or enhances music as an art form. Take the Sex Pistols for example; the band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2006 despite the fact that they released only one album in the late 1970s after having been dropped and signed by several record labels.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees come from four distinct categories including performers, non-performers, early influences, and side men. For the purposes of this evaluation in which four current and new artists will be analyzed, emphasis will be placed on artists and/or groups that may potentially be nominated in the "performers" category in the future. In order for an artist or group to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, they must have released their first album within the past 25 years, with an evaluation made on the "influence and significance of the artists'….....

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