Robot Dreams Vs. I, Robot Film Review

Total Length: 1614 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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We are also often unaware of the manner in which social forces such as economics, politics, and research professionals shape our technological advances. This is also evidenced in our response to technology that malfunctions; we oftentimes do not seek to understand how to fix it and instead will call in a professional to do so (Bijker, & Law, 1992). This does not make us any more knowledgeable about our own technology, its workings, or its design. One must question if this is due to a lack of knowledge or a purposeful desire to remain uninformed as to not have to face the give and take relationship between technological advances and the good of society.

Technology is not pure and while it provides us with opportunities to function in ways that we have never done before it also has negative aspects that cannot be ignored (Lawson, 2010). While it is difficult to envision a world where robots would exhibit human characteristics and pose a threat to society, the message should still be heard that with each advancement in technology there is an opportunity for a negative impact on society that must be considered rather than ignored. In a society where technology is created for the sheer purpose of increasing human capabilities this message is an important one (Lawson, 2010)......

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