Risk Assessment Analysis of Phishing Research Paper

Total Length: 741 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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This means that you must train employees how to identify various forms of phishing. At the same time, you must implement some kind of security procedures that will place a restriction, on how personal information is distributed. For example, employees could be trained in spotting various kinds of fictitious emails. However, when they run across an email like that is requesting information, there would be a procedure where the company will call the customer at the telephone number on file. This is significant, because it will improve the vigilance of: employees involving various phishing related emails. If for some reason, one happens to go through, no information can be released until you contact the customer at the telephone number they provide. This will prevent phishing, by having an initial process for detecting vulnerabilities and having some kinds of checks / balances in place. (Goldman, 2009)

Once you have an effective procedure, you want to begin testing the underlying risks related to phishing.

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This is where you would have a team of security consultants, who would test the staff for various vulnerabilities using the latest techniques / scams. Over the course of time, this will help to ensure that the staff understands the various techniques and it will help to identify any new kinds of vulnerabilities. At which point, the chances decrease, that any kind of sensitive information will be compromised due to phishing. (Goldman, 2009)

Clearly, any business that conducts a risk assessment using the above tactics will be able to adapt to the changes that are occurring in various phishing related scams. This is because the strategy involves: flexibility and constantly monitoring for vulnerabilities. When any kind of entity is engaged in these two preventive actions, the odds decrease dramatically that they will lose any kind of sensitive information. At which point, the organization can focus on serving customer, while protecting all information at the same time......

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