Retirement Planning Memo Management Board Term Paper

Total Length: 1281 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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,, 2005; Beam, 2001)).

Marketing Plan -- Each plan offers pluses and minuses depending on the unique situation of the employee. The basis, though, for either plan is a process of communication and buy-in from the employees so that we can move forward toward funding. For the plan to be effective, it must be hierarchical, transparent, repetitive, and explanatory.

Preliminary -- Management committee sets up plan, files required documents, has documents reviewed by CFO and Legal, and works with marketing to publish the plan and documents.

Step 1 -- Whole company meeting. Presented by CEO, announcement of retirement plan using Power Point Presentation. The presentation will also be filmed for later viewing, podcast, and available through Internet access for those who cannot attend. In this presentation, the broad levels of the plan will be outlined, the timeframe explained, and there will be a brief question and answer period. In addition, employees will be given a special email account for questions, in which there will be daily updates in a newsletter format. We would anticipate a great deal of concern and questions following the meeting, and will have HR personnel on hand to alleviate as much as possible.

Step 2 -- Step 2 will occur the following week and will be done by Department with an HR or Retirement benefits specialist attending. This will be the first initial meeting after the overall company presentation, and will be designed to answer specific questions as they pertain to different departments. The benefits and features will be delineated, and the filling out of the forms explained in detail. Again, the special email account will be given for questions and answers, and for those who do not wish their questions to be public, the email account can be used for confidential communication as well.

Step 3 -- Employee workshop.

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HR will rent or retain a large Hall 3 weeks from Step 2, open 7am-9pm to cover as many shifts as possible, There will be HR and Retirement Specialists on hand to help with paperwork, answer any additional questions, and/or help employees with the required documentation.

Step 4 -- 2 months, 60 days, from initial announcement will be the final day in this fiscal year for current employees to sign up for plan. In the event that management wants the employees to vote on plan a or B, add an addition 45 days prior and another "town hall" type of meeting.


How will the information be communicated to the employee? The information will be communicated verbally through meetings of upper management, then department management and HR, as well as through email, website (interactive), blogs, chat, and feedback loops.

How often will it be communicated? The information will be communicated constantly, with daily updates on the Blog, as well as regular meetings and/or Q&a sessions.

What tools will be used to communicate? Power Point presentation, Webcasts, Blogs, Email, Collateral Material, Speeches, One-on-One communication.

How will resistance be overcome? Through regular and constant communication and transparency regarding the project.

How will we encourage enrollment? Outline benefits and features based on company contributions and opportunities for employees in their mid-to-long-term planning.

How will we make the plan attractive? The plan will be attractive because it will be fully vested, managed by an outside firm, fully transparent, and partially funded through company contributions.


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