Results Driven Term Paper

Total Length: 639 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Working for the Department of Veteran's Affairs means that I need to be able to get results. They are very important, and in 2002 I was asked to participate in a task force for the advancement and the employment of women. I led the subcommittee on researching best practices for the report. In doing this, I led focus groups, researched a great deal of relevant information, and created the best practices section for the final report. The VA was very pleased, and the report was accepted as a blueprint throughout the department. This occurred when the committee had been in existence for one year. Each member of the committee received an award for this, and my award was the Secretary of Veteran's Affairs Commendation for the effort that I displayed during this project.

In two different cabinet-level organizations, I have been involved with protocol and success on many levels. Among these was a proposal that I developed which dealt with the creation of an organization with a focused effort on protocol at the VA. The vision that I had was shared with the top leaders of the organization.
Since 1989, I had envisioned creating my own protocol office, and often feel as though I have the spirit of an entrepreneur. By working on this protocol report, I was able to do some of this while still remaining loyal to the Department that I worked for.

My ability to work with these individuals in my Department and the opportunity to be part of a team meant a great deal to me and it also allowed me to present the proposal that I had to the department's leadership as a solution to the organizational challenges that were being faced in different ways. Protocol services were not something that were generally utilized by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the need was seen for creating this kind of service.….....

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