Result Oriented Leadership Skills Essay

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Leadership Gets ResultsAnswer to Question 1The quote mentions a characteristic that great leaders know about their strengths, which is the one common thing in all of them. In my opinion, based on the Strengths Finder 2.0 presented in Rath & Conchie (2017), my top five strengths are:· Responsibility (Executing domain)· Focus (Executing domain)· Communication (Influencing domain)· Positivity (Relationship building domain)· Context (Strategic thinking domain)I agree with this assessment since I realized that I had achieved several goals I set for myself in certain tasks with these competencies. For example, I cannot understand the guidelines for the direction I have to adopt while achieving the milestones without focusing. I find it vital to stay on the right track if work needs to be done successfully and efficiently.The one that I felt did not describe me best was context. I have inferred that people with high ‘context’ competency could understand present situations well when researching the past. I am of the view that being future-oriented, a leader should be able to prioritize better goals and would be able to focus on his directions accordingly. Research has corroborated this notion that the latest generation’s leaders opt for innovation, open-mindedness, empowerment, and self-achievement as some of the prominent personal values that help leaders become future-oriented (Cresnar & Nedelko, 2020).I am currently pursuing a job that utilizes most of these strengths, not necessarily all at one time but one after the other. Sometimes, it is possible that I continuously use one competency immediately after the other on fluidity, which helps me stay on track and on time with my project. First and foremost is my responsibility toward my assigned tasks. I need to focus on understanding the guidelines clearly; otherwise, I cannot pay attention to details. I understand well that my responsibility instills honesty in my work and value it. I know I have to take accountability for my hard work, even if it rarely contains errors. I feel this competency aligns with my focus attribute as I arrange a systematic way of working and act accordingly. Also, I communicate with my peers, sometimes to take their help and sometimes to support them. I feel coordination and collaboration are mandatory to achieve targets, especially in teamwork and professional development through better networking (Reeves et al., 2017). I am always positive in speaking my words as I weigh them before I utter them. I am always cautious about my choice of words and not to hurt anyone with them. I suppose context is the competency that does not describe me well. However, I research facts when I am confused in my work, but I do not always do that in real life, in actual relationships, or every deed of my life, as a rule of thumb.
Answer to Question 2The four basic needs of followers- trust, compassion, stability, and hope- could be considered responsibilities of the leader that he needs to fulfill for his followers. For example, trust is the honesty and transparency that he must portray through his actions, words, and behavior, which is highly conducive to employee motivation and engagement, as verified by Gallup research (Rath & Conchie, 2017, p. 83).I asked one of my colleagues at work to evaluate me on the four basic features of followers’ needs. He told me I rank…

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…need to be conveyed to followers, which I think I need to work on with ‘responsibility’ competency.I further agree with the creation of hope through the strategy of creating new possibilities that would still meet the company’s goals and fulfill its vision (Rath & Conchie, 2017, p. 91). Followers need something to look forward to rather than monotonous work in their daily routine. I perceive this might work for me if I use ‘context’ competency while learning from the past and incorporating it into future opportunities for generating attention for the followers that they would find insightful and intriguing to work on.Answer to Question 4Team members are typically selected based on their knowledge or competence, mainly standing true for executive teams (Rath & Conchie, 2017, p. 21). This could be problematic since several personality traits promote their capabilities of working well within a team. The 34 themes certify this fact as Rath & Conchie have given instances of how strong teams work with the infusion of these themes and their relevant competencies (Rath & Conchie, 2017, p. 71).According to my viewpoint, my strengths fall in every category/theme and contribute to balancing out the weaknesses of other team members. For example, my focus and responsibility competencies try to weigh well against someone who does not emphasize project details. I try to support him with my understanding of the tasks with accountability as we have to present results to our supervisor. With this, our team remains balanced, which I could explain with another instance; one of our team members liked to work individually, and I helped to interject occasionally by asking if he needed any support. My communication….....

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