Responsibility Project the Film Chosen Essay

Total Length: 962 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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In the film, the passion that Ganju feels for her work, for the people she works with, and for the mission of her organization is quite apparent. This in itself sets up a great environment for others to be a part of. A leader guides those that are willing to learn and serves as a role model when making pertinent conclusions. Personal decisions that get made in regards to the organization need to consider the involvement of all parties and therefore bring order to the purpose of the business (Johnson, 2012). This can be examined in the selected film and due to Ganju's ability to make people feel comfortable, it is obvious that those individuals that are members of her team are made to feel like their voice actually matters and are made to believe that it makes a difference to speak up. Members need to feel that they are being included in the organization's personal decisions. This is an essential characteristic and an ethical principle that must be followed in order to bring more focus to the actual issues that the organization is attempting to solve.

The selected film brings about the relationship between legal and ethical principles. Although not explicitly addressed, the fact that this organization conducts its work on a global scale conveys upon the problems that dealing with other regulations can entail.

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Some countries that Ganju manages her organization in may have distinctive laws against educating those individuals that are members of a particular social class. There are also countries that do not support the idea of having girls educated. These are all obstacles that may need to be overcome if an organization is to be effective. Ganju's organization needs to be able to address these problems once they arise. It becomes a case of whether well-structured and decent education is in fact more beneficial than following the laws of the specific country. This greatly affects how an organization is run and how it is structured. The needs of the people that the business is serving need to be considered superior to all other aspects, at least ethically. However, organizations may encounter problems with legality. Effort, time, and resources need to be diverted in order to assure that the objective is being followed through with. Balancing the needs of a community with the goals of the organization can seem arduous, yet necessary. While addressing any opposition through legal means as soon as conflicts arise, a business should be prepared to handle these situations effortlessly. By following the major ethical principles, organizational issues can be handled appropriately......

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