Resort Industry Has Been Facing Essay

Total Length: 665 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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It is a challenging task to harmonize the operations of the resort and the branches among different cultures till one achieves a smooth operation. It will involve first understand the varying cultures and train the employees to understand the culture of the various people and keep training them each time a new employee joins the group.

Technology; with the ever changing technological world, there is need for every business sector to keep in step with the changes otherwise it be left out and behind. The technology should therefore be adjusted with the business objective in mind. The old and outdated infrastructure must be updated in any resort that wants to remain relevant in the market today. This technological update goes all the way to the training of the employees and the application of the same in general management.
This intersects with the security system of every resort. The issue of security comes up due to the fact that terrorism has been on the rise and each person walking through the doors of any hospitality facility will be critical of the security levels and the technology used to ensure the security of the guests who are in the building. Such adjustments and standards do not come any cheap and are known to cost a lot of dollars to install and run and even train the staff to know how to use them hence achieve the relevance. It is one of the biggest challenges that has come with the rising trend of terrorism (Gerald Oliver, 2005)......

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