How I Resolved an Interpersonal Conflict in the Past Year Essay

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Interpersonal Conflict in Past Year

Varying interests, scarcity of resources or divergent opinions will always result in interpersonal conflicts. Such conflicts may be expressed in different ways including word of mouth, signs and gestures or through silence (212books).

I have an older brother named Charles. We have been very close since childhood. When our parents divorced back then he was there for me and I regarded him like a father figure. He always made sure I did the right thing and would also help me sort out my problems. He guided me throughout childhood and adolescence and helped me to get into the university am currently in. We like every other siblings out there always had small disagreements but things never got out of hand not until early 2012 when I became very close to my brother and his girlfriend at that time (Yoojung). Yoojung was a Korean native and she had come to the U.S. to start her semester abroad at a nearby college. She came about a month earlier before she was to start her semester so that she could familiarize with the environment around campus. During this time the three of us did a lot of things together, we went for hiking, parties, charity events, concerts and other things.

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We had a lot of fun together. However, after she finished her semester abroad, she went back to Korea and because of the long distance Charles and Yoojung broke up. Charles cut all communications with her and I did the same thing. A few months later Yoojung sent me a message and this was a few weeks before a graduation trip I had planned for Korea. We hooked up and had a lot of fun as if the year-long lapse in communication had not happened at all.

The conflict and how it came to occur

The conflict occurred when Michele, my brother's new girlfriend found out that I had hooked up with Yoojung through my Instagram photos. Michele didn't like the fact that I was still friends with Charles' ex-girlfriend. She told Charles and he became angry that I had hooked up with his ex-girlfriend. He argued that I was making his life difficult and told me to remove the pictures I had taken with Yoojung from my Instagram account. However, I thought that was my choice and I refused. He responded by being abusive.

Emotions, needs, and….....

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