Rensis Likert Theory of Motivation Term Paper

Total Length: 1716 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Results of the study showed the clear relationship between management style and laboratory productivity and indicated that productivity increased as the management became more participative (Taylor).

Despite some correlation problems in studies of this kind, trends would still establish the relationship between management style and productivity (Taylor 1985). Laboratory managers should consider and treat the results of this study as a basis for allowing input and participation in their decisions and decision-making function because they would ultimately make those management decisions.

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Participative management means management with the firm. It would mean consistent, fair and reasonable style of management and it would be the key to increased productivity. From the results of this study, a laboratory manager who would opt to apply this management style could expect a more productive staff and lower costs and to contribute the most to the success of the institution (Taylor)......

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