The Relationship Between Nutrition and Brain Performance Journal Professional

Total Length: 343 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

Journal Entry Week : NutritionUntil fairly recently, I used to think so-called “brain foods” were limited to certain food products such as fish and dark green vegetables (e.g., kale – yuck!). Today, however, I understand that the healthy properties of other, potentially tastier foods for many individuals, also provide number nutritional benefits that are related to brain health and performance. Indeed, a veritable cornucopia of healthy foods that help support brain health and performance including nuts, berries, and even sauerkraut or kimchi are available in almost every grocery store in the country, many of which are frequently underappreciated or entirely overlooked by consumers who are in search of healthier diet choices (Austin, 2017).Based on my understanding of the coursework, I now recognize what the phrase “you are what you eat” really means. In this regard, Ekstrand et al. (2021) emphasize that the performance of the human brain is based in large part on what types of foods people eat. For instance, Ekstrand et al. (2021) point out that, “Both the overall composition of the human diet and specific dietary components have been shown to have an impact on brain function in various experimental models and epidemiological studies” (p.

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694). These findings underscore the importance of eating a balanced diet that is comprised of foods with proven brain protective properties.While it is an easy matter to rationalize yet another fast-food burger and fries on a busy day, my newfound understanding of the importance of eating the right foods will help me make the nutritional lifestyle changes that will provide me with the essential brain foods which will not only help maintain my cognitive abilities but will also provide me with protections from diminished brain processing capabilities and performance later in life......

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