Relational Leadership and Leadership Goals Question Answers

Total Length: 658 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Q1. How might you distinguish or differentiate between Uhl-Bien’s RLT and the commonly held idea that leaders simply must foster good relationships with followers (such as the task vs. relationship dichotomy)? Thoughts?One of the most common managerial techniques to improve motivation and morale is to create a more pleasant workplace through positive social exchanges. This might include on-site social occasions, team-building exercises, mentoring of less experienced but talented employees, or simply emphasizing a good attitude as a way to create a pleasant interpersonal dynamic in the workplace. According to Uhl-Bien’s (2006) Relational Leadership Theory (RLT), however, this is not enough. If the focus of leadership is upon the construction of relationships, a more active approach is needed to ensure that the interpersonal processes within the organization foster good social relationships: “relational self-identities…emanate from relationships with significant others” (Uhl-Bien, 2006, p.658). This is in stark contrast with simply encouraging leaders to be nicer to followers. Such kindness still originates from a position of personal power. A relationship-driven leadership paradigm acknowledges mutual dependence.A relational view of the leader’s self acknowledges that there is no leadership without followership. Followership contains dimensions of leadership and vice versa.

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As social networks on a virtual level become increasingly important in terms of company marketing, it is equally important to understand how social networks are constructed…

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…is this final, process-oriented focus that most organizations fail to achieve, given that fostering good relationships is often only seen as a way of achieving goals, rather than critical to the networks that foster leadership themselves.RLT ultimately shifts away from seeing leadership as located within people and positions, and focuses instead upon leadership as a network and as something which must be supported by all organizational actors. It means setting the correct processes in place. Of course, good relationships are important, and increase employee retention. But ultimately a positive atmosphere will not be supported unless the organization prioritizes relationality on a regular basis. Without a strong commitment to relational leadership, the….....

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