Reform- Both Social and Spiritual- Term Paper

Total Length: 1765 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Whilst I talk, some poor farmer drudges & slaves for me" (Journals 9: 126). He feels that a real reformer is the one who would refuse to purchase or use slave-produced goods and in this regard he noted: "Alas! alas! my brothers, there is never an abolitionist in New England" (Journals 9:128).

Thus reform though it has been an important subject has often elicited different responses from thinkers and writers. While some connected it with religion, others completely kept religion away from it. Winthrop's brand of reform is not only different from Emerson's but the former will never find any endorsement of his views in the writings of Emerson's.

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The latter was more involved and interested in individualistic reform that focused on change within one's self instead of institutionalized change. The different in thinking can be attributed to the different time periods in which they composed their thoughts......

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"Reform- Both Social And Spiritual-", 05 November 2006, Accessed.3 July. 2024,