Reflection: What I Have Learnt About Negotiation and Conflict Research Proposal

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Conflict Negotiation

Conflict is part of human life. It occurs every day when people relate to each other in the society as they try to understand their environment and themselves. Conflict also occurs when people try to grasp why natural happenings occur the way they do. However, as a student, I have realized that it is important to address conflict occurs within the society so that members can interact harmoniously. Almost every one of us is likely to encounter this conflict when we leave our comfort zone and expose ourselves to new environments. The best way to settle conflicts is by negotiating because both parties will present their personal views on the matter: in the process, a mutual agreement will result. Moral courage is fundamental during conflict resolution. During negotiation, it is necessary to make strong decisions for moral reasons even when a possibility of adverse consequences is imminent (Kritek, 2008).

I have learnt in my career that it is necessary for one to strategize during negotiation. In fact, anyone will be able to deal with anything that comes up during conflict resolution. There are two main types of negotiating strategies. One of them is called distributive negotiation. This is where there is a fixed amount of resources and the parties involved try to acquire the most of the resources. This means that every negotiator views the other party as opponents.

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This is clearly seen as the parties try to get most of the limited resources. I have come across many situations where I was required to apply such tactics. For instance, when making purchases in a non-fixed price situation, negotiation on a distributive basis is necessary. Because of the many similar experiences, I have realized that it is appropriate to know how low the seller is willing to sell his merchandise (Kritek, 2008). With such information, I can comfortably declare a reasonable price range. On several occasions, I have appreciated this tactic because it works in many other negotiation tables. The strategy is used mainly when the two parties do not know each other well, but are willing to create a starting point for future relations. Thus, it is necessary for one to study the other party: it usually happens during the negotiation. While studying the other party, I have realized that I can understand what they want. This often influences my stance: I have to adjust to the situation so that the final decision is acceptable to them, but still favorable to my side. Integrative negotiation results when discussions are aimed at reaching a mutual agreement favoring both parties. In such a case, either of the parties does not intend to argue excessively with the intention of winning the case before them.….....

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