Reduction in Force and HR 's Role Essay

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Human Resources Staffing1Human resource (HR) staffing is considered an important aspect of reducing turnover, because it has direct implications for employee engagement and job performance. HR professionals are called upon to ensure qualified personnel join the organization and receive appropriate training for their roles. Without proper staffing, employees may become overwhelmed and quickly seek opportunities elsewhere. Training and development seek to cultivate a strong work environment; one that emphasizes personal growth, engagement with coworkers, and a sense of accomplishment (Garvin et al., 2008). Through providing staff education sessions and skill-building activities, workers have the opportunity to individualize their experience on the job, leading to greater job satisfaction and lesser turnover rates. Performance management is another key element in curbing turnover as it serves as a benchmarking tool to recognize successes while addressing areas of improvement. By offering timely feedback on behavior through assessments, organizations can bridge any gaps between expectations and actual conduct; resulting in workforce members feeling valued by their employer. All three HR functional areas --staffing, training & development, as well as performance management-- tie into lowering employee turnover if appropriately implemented.With high levels of employee turnover becoming increasingly common in the modern workplace, the HR function has a significant role to play in recognizing and addressing its potential effects. A well-structured HR department is ideally positioned to both foster staff morale and set out clear policies that discourage employees from leaving their position prematurely. By understanding the factors which are impacting staff retention, HR departments are able to take preventative measures such as offering reward incentives or providing additional resources to help make staying in the current job more attractive.
On the other hand, rapid turnover can also be an indicator of underlying issues within an organization that…

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…ongoing feedback and establishing channels for employees to have their questions answered is critical for building employee confidence and loyalty throughout the process. A well-thought out communication plan ensures that everyone within an organization has all the necessary resources available both before and after any change has taken place (Connell, 2001).Secondly, I will work closely with department heads to identify any new skills or expertise needed for filling expanded positions, as well as assessing losses in workforce due to the RIF. Thirdly, I will develop a plan for training existing employees to fill any gaps in specialized abilities. This will make up for lost opportunities do to the reduction effect.Finally, I will provide appropriate resources for those affected by the RIF, such as opportunities for career counseling and retraining if necessary. By taking these proactive steps during this time of organizational change, we can help ensure its….....

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