Reducing Teen Pregnancy -- Educational Thesis

Total Length: 532 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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For that reason, the approach to sexual education of teenagers recommended instead of one-dimensional focus on discouraging sexuality altogether must include three main elements: (1) sexual development and reproduction; (2) contraception and birth control; and (3) relationships.

Furthermore, this resource argues that sexual education should begin before puberty and before teenagers begin to experiment sexually and develop habits that are more difficult to address after the fact. Likewise, the resource suggests that information about appropriate sexual behavior and intimate relationships should come from more than a single source such as school-based educational programs. In that regard, parents and counselors should also contribute to the development of healthy attitudes and beliefs about sexual expression. Finally, the resource presents evidence to discount the unwarranted fear that early exposure to these concepts might encourage earlier sexual experimentation than would occur without it.

Usefulness to Project

This resource was tremendously useful to this project because it included both statistical data as well as anecdotal opinions from education professionals who have considerable practical experience in the field.

Stuck Writing Your "Reducing Teen Pregnancy -- Educational" Thesis?

This resource provides a comprehensive analysis of the most important individual components relevant to the argument. In that respect, it details the conceptual problems with the abstinence-only position; it outlines the elements of a more effective approach; and it addresses and dispels the unwarranted concerns that are sometimes raised by those opposed to providing early sexual education to teenagers......

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"Reducing Teen Pregnancy -- Educational", 29 October 2009, Accessed.3 July. 2024,