Reducing Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Research Proposal

Total Length: 805 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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suffered from its quasi-experimental approach, as several participants left the study since they left the facility or otherwise were not permitted to participate -- for example, those patients who recovered sufficiently to conduct their own oral care no longer engaged in the experimental protocol and condition. The results were positive and significant, however, the severity of the patients' conditions and the small sample size challenged the researchers, as discussed below.

The title of the article, Oral Intensity: Reducing Non-Ventilator-Associated Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia In Care-Dependent, Neurologically Impaired Patients, is absolutely clear, unambiguous, and accurate. The abstract offers a clear overview of the study, particularly as it is divided into sections that enable readers to quickly learn about the methodology, results, discussion, and implications of the study. The purpose of the research study is clearly defined: The purpose of the study is to determine if an enhanced oral care protocol would decrease the incidence of non-ventilator-associated, hospital-acquired pneumonia in a neurosurgical population outside of the critical care environment.

The literature review is logically organized that first addresses the nature of the hospital-acquired pneumonia condition, then discusses the critical care literature, the neuroscience literature, the oral hygiene literature, and oral care intervention literature.

Stuck Writing Your "Reducing Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia" Research Proposal?

The literature offers a balanced critical analysis of the literature, although there were a number of references to "one study," which did not substantially strengthen the basis for the research. The majority of the literature is of recent origin, with several references to seminal studies, and mainly from primary sources of an empirical nature.

A theoretical framework has been articulated and it appears to have a sound basis and be adequately described. The two major guidelines (the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada -- AMMI -- and the Canadian Thoracic Society's joint document Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Adults) recommend prevention oral care protocols for all in-patients whether or not they are ventilated. The theoretical framework and hypothesis of the Robertson & Carter (2013) research are derived from the definition, diagnosis, and prevention studies in these guidelines.

The aims, objectives, research question, and hypothesis of the research have been identified and are clearly identified. What's more, they reflect the information presented in the

The target population was clearly identified, and both prospective and retrospective members of the sample consisted of neurosurgical patients subject to the inclusion criteria consistent with the research….....

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