Red Cross Env. Audit Environmental Essay

Total Length: 912 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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In its domestic operations, the social forces at work can also have a huge influence on the American Red Cross, as different communities can have very different needs in terms of both aid and outreach, and the organization makes a large attempt to tailor its endeavors to these varying needs as they become apparent (ARC 2010; Scarton 2010).

Technology provides a great opportunity to the American Red Cross to deliver services and outreach programs in a more efficient -- and thus cheaper -- manner, which will in turn enable them to engage in more frequent and more extensive operations (CSP 2010). At the same time, many of the group's efforts remain as technologically void as they were at their first inception, as the simplicity of many volunteer efforts and education programs is key to their success (Stuart 2010). Of all of the indirect forces affecting the American Red Cross, then, it is the political forces that have the largest impact on the group's organizations.
From resistance met in some cultures abroad to accusations of racial biases in its domestic (and its international) operations, the American Red Cross' neutral stance and existence as a non-profit has not freed it from the political influences and scrutinizes that accompany any large organization. Its monetary intake and expenditure is carefully monitored and openly available in part to address political pressures and concerns (ARC 2010).


The American Red Cross cannot be viewed entirely in the way that a true business entity is seen. It provides essential services, but its customers do not pay for these services -- nor does it pay for many of its supplies -- and so the organization does not really respond to market forces in standard ways. Both the direct and indirect forces that affect business organizations can be seen as applicable to the American Red Cross with some alterations, however. This clearly illustrates the complex system of forces and influences that the organization must.....

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