Recruitment and Selection Process in Interviewing Anyone Essay

Total Length: 546 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 20

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Recruitment and Selection Process in Interviewing

Anyone who has ever hired an employee -- or, for that matter, anyone who has ever been hired for a job -- is aware of the fact that there is often a very poor fit between the newly hired person and the job. This is often true despite the best efforts of the person tasked with the hiring, and despite careful consideration of past employment records, the training and education of the worker, recommendations, background checks, and various tests that may be given to the person during the interview process.

People hired for jobs for which they are not suitable cause a number of problems for the company, which may well invest a considerable amount of resources in the person hoping to correct the problems that arise from a bad fit between position and employee, only to have to fire the person in the end (which may open up the company to liability issues) and begin again.

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The company will also see lowered productivity in terms of efficiency while the employee is trying to do a job that s/he is not in fact well suited to. Other workers may also be less efficient or productive because of the tension caused in a company by having someone who is perceived as not pulling her or his wait or who is clearly unhappy at having a position that does not suit her or him.

There is also the fact that a person not suited to a position will in nearly all cased suffer from that ill-fittingness, experiencing feelings of incompetence and anger as well as possible depression. Such feelings….....

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