Recruitment and Retention of Employees Research Paper

Total Length: 1475 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Human resource is an essential part of any organization or business since it handles all issues relating to employee well-being and welfare. Without a proper human resource management framework, an organization is relatively unable to support excellent working professionals. Human resource management is a management function in an organization that deals with procurement, progress and maintenance of a well-skilled labor force in order to realize the objectives of the organization in an effective way. Human resource management is simply the administration of personnel in an organization.

Human resource management, which is denoted as HRM, is normally characterized by challenges in employing and retaining the right personnel. Human resource professionals are faced with the need to establish proper measures to ensure that the workers they are recruiting are qualified for the job (Dessler, 2005). They also have to put in place initiatives that guarantee proper working conditions, employee satisfaction, and good remuneration so as to retain the workers. As a result, human resource professionals have to devise a suitable method for recruitment and retention.


As part of developing a suitable framework for employee recruitment, an organization/business can utilize various recruitment approaches including…

Through Employees Referrals

This is the most commonly used method that involves using word of mouth to advertise for job positions. The increased use of this employee recruitment strategy is attributable to the fact that it’s quite cost effective. It is an internal recruitment strategy since it is highly likely that current employees know someone who is qualified for the job from their social networking. The existing employees treasure their status and are likely to refer employees whom they trust and believe can be great workers. They are most definitely going to give the right information to the potential candidates on whether the job is fit for them or not. These employees are likely to nurture and guide the candidates they referred.

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Employee referrals mostly bring in the applicants who may not be looking for the job, but they have the necessary skills required for the job (Evans, 2002). Employees recruited through referrals are more qualified, and tend to stay longer in the job.

Internal Recruitment

This involves promoting current employees, especially for the top or managerial positions or transfers. Transfers are used to fill in short term positions. They can also be on-the job-training where the employees are taught new skills that befit the vacant position. Recruitment is through internal memos or notice board posts.

Through Advertisements

This can be done through advertisements in newspapers, magazines, journals, social media, or through advertising agencies. There are many job seekers out there who may not be aware of the company. Advertising through newspapers or journals enables many job seekers to apply. This method reaches wider geographical areas. Recruitment agencies also cover a bigger market and have the best candidates. Recruitment agencies help save time since employee recruitment process is a hectic and involves cataloging tons of applications, interviewing, and screening the candidates. Recruitment agencies ensure that they vet candidates well before referring them to the employer (Dessler, 2005).


After getting qualified employees, human resource is tasked with the challenge of retaining the employees. There are various employee retention techniques that can be employed by an organization or business including…

Exhibit Administration Accountability and Personal Growth….....

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