Reconstruction Period Reconstruction (1865-1877) Was Term Paper

Total Length: 1774 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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" The more the freedmen resumed the habits and postures of slaves, the better the planters were able to accept the new system.

Thus reconstruction even with all the good intentions of some people was still a major failure. It had failed to bring the kind of peace and freedom for blacks that it was intended to. Since the blacks had become more or less accustomed to being treated as chained men, it took them a long time to accept freedom in true manner.

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The transition was slow and highly painful. It wasn't easy to shift power to the masses and it certainly took a long time to bring an end to slave mentality. Rights were not granted easily and even after equality had been established on paper; it was not completely given in practice for a very long time......

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