Reconstruction (1865-77) the Northern and Term Paper

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There were the growth organizations like Ku Klux Klan. Their aggressions kept away the African-Americans and the white Republicans from voting and gradually the radical Republican governments were overthrown. Their disintegration was enhanced by the death of the old radical leaders in Congress like Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Summer and by the disclosure of internal corruption in the radical Republican government. The Grant government was forced to decline its support of them because of growing criticism in the North of corruption in the federal government itself. (Reconstruction-

Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana only remained under the Republican domination by 1876. Rutherford B. Hayes the Republican presidential candidate during the year promised to ease the situations in the South. However, the sentiment there had already led to the establishment of the 'Solid South' favoring his Democratic opponent, Samuel J. Tilden. The presidential contest created the circumstances in those three states a strong-minded effort to throw off Republican rule and their electoral votes to suspend the fate of the famous disputed election of 1876. It is actually definite that one should have the majority and thus the presidency to Tilden.

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However, two forms of output were sent from each of the three states. The Electoral Commission specially formed for the purpose acknowledged the outputs sent by the Republicans and Hayes was accorded the presidency. The reconstruction officially terminated with the withdrawn of all the federal troops from the South. The white rule was restored and the black people were deprived of many civil and political rights gradually and their economic status continues to worsen. The hopes of the radicals for a basic reformation of the social and economic order of the South, much further the abolition of slavery mitigated. Rather this gave rise to the formation of the one-party 'solid south' and enhanced racial resentment.


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