Recession Is a Topic of Essay

Total Length: 991 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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There is no reassurance in anything. Nothing is set in stone. It is this fear that drives people to stop spending because there is nothing at all occurring that is of some sort of security for them. How can someone spend on things that are not really essential when someone could literally lose their job the next day without warning and then not even have a reliant security network on which to go to. The government even started to lower the amount of time allotted for unemployment check disbursements for individuals who are unemployed, leading to an even greater economic problem within families (Wolf 2010).

I agree with the editor who states over and over again that these people who have literally lost everything have nothing else to rely on. They got swept up in the idea that in America anything and everything is possible, but unfortunately that dream was sought at an extremely bad time. The idea behind what they wanted is no longer there. The structure on which every life goal was standing on, no longer has anything assisting in holding on to it. Small businesses are desperately searching for a crutch to hold on to, yet nothing seems to be to there to support them when they need it most. Government assistance is no longer being funded as much as it used to be, even though now is the time that people need that support to assist them (Mandelbaum 2010).
It is a catch-22 when one thinks about the concept of government assistance. When the economy is doing well, these programs are well-developed and appropriately funded, however, when people need it the most, there is not enough money to be able to do anything for the people in dire need of this extra assistance.

In order for a proper and stable system to be in place, more money needs to go into helping the people that need it most. Small businesses that once held prosperity and success should be able to rely on the government in times when they are not being so financially lucky. It is now that hard working American people should be able to look toward its leaders and not have to get used to the idea of living in a recession. Living in poverty is not something that any should have to get used to, especially in a nation such as the United States......

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