Ray Directed by Taylor Hackford. Movie Review

Total Length: 324 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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The film depicts substance abuse in a negative light, even though it seems seamless in the scheme of his growing career. It shows what drug use can do to the brain and the body, and it shows the fear his arrest caused and how hard it is to kick hard drugs like heroin. It showed the dangers of the drug well, and indicated that Charles was a very strong man to be able to kick the addiction and stay sober the rest of his life. The film did not glamorize the drugs, but it showed how they were a big part of the jazz lifestyle that Charles entered when he first entered show business.

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I think it was a realistic view of addiction, especially in the scenes where it was clear he would do anything for a fix, anything at all, and that it is remarkable that the drugs never seemed to affect his performance or his abilities to sing and….....

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