Rater Errors in Performance Appraisal Thesis

Total Length: 1778 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Having managers justify their reviews to their superiors will give little quality control if the supervisors wish the reviews to have a predetermined positive or negative conclusion. Using pay-for-performance and performance reviews in general when the outcomes are foregone conclusions and shaped by rater needs to motivate employees, preserve workplace harmony, or conversely cut a department is both unjust to employees and fosters worker cynicism and resentment. While fears of lawsuits may be valid, having a paper trail of positive or negative assessments that contain known errors is unlikely to help the organization prosper in the long run and can create legal complications of its own.

Employers must first ask if performance reviews can be meaningful in the organization, of if the work culture is better suited to team-based reviews, rather than individual reviews.

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Pay-for-performance strategies should only be used if supervisors have enough data about employees to make meaningful judgments. And finally, if performance reviews are used, more than one individual should weigh in on the assessment, to minimize bias as much as possible.....

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