Raheem Woke Up Early That Term Paper

Total Length: 1618 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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He was fed well there, but treated coldly and was forbidden even to see Sheri until one morning the aunt pulled Raheem aside by the kitchen window.

Listen, Raheed, I have news. I know what is going on and I agree that just because your mother and Muhammad were married, there is no real reason for the marriage not to take place. After all, the very fact that your mother bore you before she even met Muhammad proves that you are not related by blood. I have convinced Muhammad to meet with our parents to discuss the matter and we have had several talks. I have vouched for you because I can see you are a good boy who can always provide for his family and I can also see how you and Sheri adore each other. There will be no keeping the two of you apart.
Tonight the entire family is meeting; not even Sheri knows about this, but I am certain that when Muhammad sees how many people are against his decision to forbid this wedding that you and Sheri will be together. Don't worry, my son, I already consider you my nephew."

With that they embraced and late that night as dawn approached, the aunt came home from the family meeting. She was smiling. Raheed rose from his chair and without a word they hugged again and the aunt whispered, "The wedding date has been set. Muhammad is ready to apologize to you. I hope you know what this means. He is my brother and never once has he ever apologized to me in his life. You are blessed." was blessed the minute I met Sheri," said Raheem, with a tear of relief and gratitude in his eye......

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