Question and Answer on Technology Essay

Total Length: 674 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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technology in an organization.

Technology is a necessity in any business or organization. The three most commonly used kinds of technology are computers, software, and networking. For the majority of businesses and organizations, computers have become the most useful piece of equipment. From desktop computers to laptops, computers provide people with the means to perform complex tasks like research, create documents, and communicate online. Computers are even used to design sales presentations and can give any business or organization a means with which to organize and safeguard important data.

What is typically used in conjunction with computers is software. Productivity tools such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word help provide creative options for users. It also provides assistance with common tasks like presentations and creation of databases.

With computers and software comes networking. Essentially, computers very frequently are linked to create a network. This grants people within the business/organization ability to share information or documents. Networks can be small, contained within an office, span across multiple locations.

Explain how different types of technology create different competencies.

Computers create competency within the area of word processing, data input and output, and programming. Telephone systems, another aspect of technology in an organization, utilizes different methods of communication like verbal communication.
Therefore, a person contacting a customer online through a chat interface will learn different skills versus a person speaking on the phone. For example, the chatter may learn to type faster. The talker may learn to speak more efficiently and clearer.

Describe how technology impacts organizational culture.

Implementation of new methods and approaches for getting things done in a business/organization will re-shape current corporate culture. The main goal is to be able to administer such changes without discouragement of the current corporate culture. A good example of this is installation of monitoring software. This new use of technology could have disastrous consequences as employees may become angered at being observed through cameras. Although monitoring software is essential, it can cause trouble if it is implemented wrong.

Technology can also be beneficial to organizational culture. For example, the use of company email may allow coworkers to communicate with each other in an online environment. Use of technology like this is very helpful to organizational culture because it promotes communication among employees. Communication leads to higher productivity and improved performance. "Early research suggested that a strong culture that aligns members' behavior with….....

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