Quantum Technologies: A Non-Financial Analysis Term Paper

Total Length: 1015 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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The company is itself a major driver of innovation in this area, and the efficiency of renewable energy engines and power generators will decrease the cost of operations for the company even as the same products and efficiency increases will enhance and increase its sales (Quantum 2011). Twnety years from now, it is expected that major utility grids will at least be in the beginning stages of being capable of handling energy input from renewable sources, and this will increase industrial demand for many of Quantum Technology's products enormously (Foo.com 2011).

SWOT Analysis

Quantum Technology's diversification is a major strength of the company, as it is somewhat shielded from major changes in any one application or industry in which its products are used. A weakness can be found in its dependence on external business contract and a lack of direct-to-consumer sales. A large opportunity exists for the company in the current economic recovery, however, which is likely to be accompanied by renewed interest in renewable technologies and provide a wider market of consumers willing to pay premium for renewables. Major consumer vehicle manufacturers have largely ignored Quantum in favor of other companies or in-house technologies, which threatens to erode this opportunity,


From a political standpoint, Quantum Technology is still a relatively strong company; political incentives to move to renewables have helped to pressure consumers, industries, and public utilities/governments to adopt renewable energy technologies such as those produced by Quantum.

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Economic factors have not been favorable for the company, especially given its luxury associations, but this trend appears to be reversing with the current global recovery (Google 2011). Following (and in many regards leading) the political pressure to develop alternative and renewable energy sources, social pressures and trends have been moving towards "green" products and innovations as well, which is also a boost for the company (Fool.com 2011). Technological forces have also been a boost to the company, as its own research and other developments are increasing the pace at which this industry is expanding and can become potentially mainstreamed (Quantum 2011; Yahoo 2011).


There is great value potential in Quantum Technology's products, as they can derive a maximum benefit from the trend towards renewable energy use. Such resources are also not manufactured by many firms increasing the rarity and thus potential profitability of Quantum's offerings (Fool.com 2011). Imitability presents something of an issue, as other companies do produce similar items, but this firms is very organized and ready to capitalize on its capabilities......

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