Quality Assessment Is Important in Essay

Total Length: 676 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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A quality assessment could turn up this problem and create the atmosphere for solving the problem creatively and effectively.

There is another aspect of the quality assessment program that directly affects all of the staff of any healthcare facility. Essentially, a quality assessment program can help make the facility more profitable, and that benefits everyone on the staff. Quality assessment can identify areas of waste and neglect that may have been overlooked before, and they can help staff members come up with solutions that are not only more viable for the patient, bust cost-effective, too. That means the fiscal health of the organization is managed and sound, and that means a more stable working environment for the staff.
In a facility that is having money problems, the staff may be stressed or distracted, and that can lead to health concerns for the patients. In a fiscally sound institution, the staff is free to concentrate on patient needs and outcomes, and that provides a better bottom line for both patient and staff member.

In conclusion, quality assessment may be seen as a chore to some healthcare professionals, but in reality, it can be a useful tool for identifying problems, uncovering solutions, and involving the nursing and healthcare staff in solving those problems. It can lead to better patient treatment and outcomes too, and that should be the goal of any viable healthcare organization......

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