Psychological Tests and Internet Essay

Total Length: 568 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Experimental Design Worksheet

This study will test the contention of Hall (2016) that Internet use is inversely correlated with happiness. In his study of Internet use, Hall found that the longer individuals spent online per day, the lower their measures of personal satisfaction. This study will attempt to further explore Hall's findings, namely to determine if specific types of Internet use (social media versus research-based use) are more likely to have a negative impact on adolescent's moods. Adolescence is often noted as a particularly fraught time in most individual's personal history and a crucial period of self-definition. Adolescents are also believed to be at higher risk for online bullying, Internet addiction, or simply using the Internet as a frequent form of communication and social connection. The study will also refine Hall's broad definition of happiness/unhappiness by assessing student's self-esteem, locus of control, and levels of depression.

Hall R.H. (2016) Internet use and happiness. In Nah FH., Tan CH. (eds.), Business, government, and organizations: eCommerce and Innovation. Springer, Cham.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39396-4_4

Description of sample/data:

One hundred student participants, ages 14-to-17, will be voluntarily recruited from two high schools, one suburban and one urban. The numbers of participants will be evenly distributed between the two schools and evenly distributed according to gender. Students will answer questions pertaining to their Internet use, what type of Internet sites they typically access, how they use the Internet (Facebook, texting, school research, posting photographs), and how many hours a day they spend online.
They will then take a series of psychological tests, including the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Test, Rotter's Locus of Control Scale, and Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI),


H0: There will be no association between student's scores on various psychological tests and their level of Internet use.

HA: Students with high levels of Internet consumption will have lower self-esteem, less of a sense of control over their lives, and higher levels of depression.

H0: There will be no association between the types of Internet consumption and student's scores on various psychological tests.

HA: Students with high levels of Internet consumption of social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat) will have lower levels of measured self-esteem, less of a sense of control over their lives, and higher levels of depression than students who use the Internet primarily for other reasons (such as schoolwork, watching movies, playing games), as well as students who do not access the Internet much at all.

Independent Variable (what you think will produce or cause a change):

Internet consumption

Defined as: Hours spent online per day

Type of Internet….....

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