Psychodynamic Case Study: President Barack Obama President Research Paper

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Psychodynamic Case Study: President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama was the first African-American to be elected to the presidency. Obama was born in Hawaii to a Caucasian mother and a Kenyan father. Before Obama's birth, both were students at the University of Hawaii. Obama called the autobiography he penned before the presidency Dreams From My Father (Barak Obama, 2012, Biography). This suggests that his life has been a quest in search of his father, a man who left him when he was two years old. However, it is equally possible to see Obama's life as a man defined by women: his idealistic, 'hippy' mother whom he describes as an idealistic child of the 1960s, that took the young Barry to Indonesia where she briefly had another marriage, and also his grandmother, who raised him when his mother laws finishing her anthropological fieldwork (Barak Obama, 2012, Biography).

The psychodynamic view of psychology of Sigmund Freud suggests that the 'family romance' defines the developing psyche of every young child. With the male, this is called the Oedipal Complex, in which the young boy harbors murderous feelings about his father and desires his mother. Eventually, the young boy comes to identify with the father and emulate him, as a way of someday possessing a mother surrogate.

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Obama's psychological development, however, was complicated by race: his father was African-American, and he physically resembled his father, but he was raised by Caucasian women. When he went to high school in Chicago, he identified with the African-American community, yet he also stood apart from this culture to some degree (Barak Obama, 2012, Biography). Ironically, in his community activism in Chicago Obama embodies the persona of his mother more than that of his father, who led a chaotic and undisciplined life after returning to Kenya.

To balance these competing claims to his identity -- that of his father and mother -- Obama, Freud might suggest, has developed a very strong superego. Although Obama described himself as very angry in his search for identity in Dreams From My Father, Obama has been described by those who know him as cool, almost academic in the way he analyzes the issues. Even as a senator, it was noted "he tends to underplay his knowledge, acting less informed than he is. He rarely accuses, preferring to talk about problems in the passive voice, as things that….....

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