Providing Information on Internet Access Essay

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value of providing access to documents via the Internet or a corporate intranet?

When documents are accessed over the internet or through a corporate intranet, they can be easily located and read by anyone who is supposed to have access to them (Callaghan, 2002). That means they can be used by employees, vendors, clients, or anyone else -- even just for general information -- no matter where in the world that person is located. Across miles, time zones, and language and cultural barriers, access to documents over the internet means that a person can work from anywhere at any time (Callaghan, 2002). He or she can get information, make changes, address issues, buy and sell goods and services, and work with other people in teams or groups. When documents are provided over the Internet, they can be set up so everyone can see them or so only selected people have access (Callaghan, 2002). They can also be emailed, so they only go to the person or people for which they were intended.

A corporate intranet arrangement is very similar, as it provides an email or document collection type of experience but only within the confines of that particular corporation or company (Callaghan, 2002). Because intranets are specific to the company, they reduce the risk of information going to people who should not be reading it, or for whom it was not intended (Callaghan, 2002). While they are not foolproof and can be hacked, they do a relatively good job of protecting information so it is not accessed by others outside of the company. That can be an excellent choice for internal memos and other documents, or for company rules and regulations that need updating (Callaghan, 2002).

Callaghan, J. (2002). Inside intranets & extranets: Knowledge management and the struggle for power. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

2. What is the goal of data management?

The goal of data management is focused around making sure all of the data that is needed by a company is managed, collected, and stored properly (Hayes, 2008). This is not always easy, because there is a great deal that goes into managing data from the original collection of it to the end of its life-cycle. How the data is collected, how long it is held for, and how it is stored, used, and processed can all affect data management (Hayes, 2008). However, no matter what is done with the data or any of the issues that surround it, the goal of data management is to make sure that the data is collected and stored properly so it can be used in the manner in which it was intended (Hayes, 2008). This is very important, because the mining of data can provide a great deal of insight into numerous areas of interest for a company. These generally revolve around customers and potential customers, based on what those individuals may want and need from companies with which they do business.

Data management has changed by leaps and bounds throughout the years. When it first began it was focused on storing one piece of information in numerous places, because that was necessary (Hayes, 2008). However, that has evolved over time to where a piece of information is generally only found in one or two places, that are then cross-referenced so they can be easily accessible to anyone who needs them and is authorized to access them (Hayes, 2008). The management of the data is also about mining, organization, and quality. If the proper data is not mined from the available information and the data does not provide quality information to those who collect and use it, there is little point in having it at all.

Hayes, H. (2008). Integrated data management: Managing data across its lifecycle. IBM. Retrieved from

3. What are three benefits of document management systems? There are a number of benefits to document management systems, which are computer programs that are used to store documents electronically.

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The first benefit is the electronic storage itself, because it does not use paper, is less likely to be destroyed or damaged, can be backed up and kept in several places, and can be a protected file (Hulme, 2012). Additionally, electronic storage provides the opportunity to send information from one person to another quite easily, without the need to mail or fax paper copies. When documents are managed by these electronic systems, they can be modified, sent, received, and stored much more easily than they would be if they were paper (Hulme, 2012). The second benefit of a document management system is the standardization that so many of them provide. With standardization across a number of systems, a person can send documents to others who do not use the same system, and those documents can still be accessed and opened properly, reducing frustrating and time spent (Hulme, 2012).

A third benefit of document management systems is retrieval of the documents that are being stored. When a person can retrieve almost anything that has been created in the past, it makes things much easier. It also allows that person to prove that something was created, signed, or otherwise documented in some way, which can be valuable in a number of ways and for a number of reasons (Hulme, 2012). Being able to retrieve a document from a properly managed system is generally not that difficult, which is good news for people who need to access information frequently (Hulme, 2012). However, it is important to make sure that documents are stored and retrieved properly, to avoid risk of loss.

Hulme, T. (2012). Information governance: Sharing the IBM approach. Business Information Review, 29(2): 99 -- 104.

4. What is the difference between 3G and 4G?

There is a difference between 3G and 4G technology, which is based in how much a system can handle and what kinds of capabilities it has. For example, a 4G platform will be able to do more, and do it faster, than a 3G platform will. The term 4G is short for Fourth Generation, where 3G was considered to be Third Generation (Woerner, 2001). Each time there is a succeeding generation, more is able to be done with the devices that run on that platform. With mobile telecommunications, the more a person is able to do the more he or she will be interested in the devices and other options offered on that telecommunications network. A 4G network will provide everything that a 3G network provides, along with ultra-broadband access to the internet (Woerner, 2001). That allows access to everything a person would ever need on a laptop, smartphone, or other wireless device.

Upgrading from 3G to 4G can mean a required change in a device, as well, because a number of devices are not designed to be forward compatible (Woerner, 2001). That is also true of the network architecture itself, since it was not necessarily built to be able to upgrade. This is unfortunate, because it seems as though one would expect an upgrade in the near future and would plan for that. Technology is always changing, and 5G will likely come along sooner rather than later. Companies that make their networks and devices forward compatible are going to be ahead of the game when these changes occur, since they will be able to adjust to those changes more easily (Woerner, 2001). That is significant, but may not be the case (or be possible) for some companies.

Woerner, B. (2001). Research directions for fourth generation wireless. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE 01). Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

5 . What is virtual collaboration? Mention an example.

Virtual collaboration is teamwork and collaboration that takes place completely virtually, through the use of the internet (Peters &….....

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