Property Crimes in Texas Research Paper

Total Length: 1548 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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The study will focus on a literature review that will help guide the quantitative survey that will be followed by a brief qualitative interview. The research design is mixed methods and follows a case study methodology. Various sources will be collected from literature and compared with results from the interview questions designed. There will be a quantitative survey that will allow respondents to answer close-ended questions followed with a short interview where respondents answer open-ended questions. The case study is meant to give an understanding of a particular event or circumstance in one area such as Northern San Antonio, Texas. By focusing on participants within this area and collecting information in relation to other areas participating in similar or the same community programs, the aim is to deliver a well-constructed picture of what is happening in that community and what can be done to improve negative conditions.

A case-study is the best option for this kind of mixed-methods study because it provides an in-depth investigation of a specific topic. “A case study is an in-depth description and analysis of a bounded system. Part of the confusion surrounding case studies is that the process of conducting a case study is conflated with boy the unit of study and the product of this type of investigation” (Merriam & Tisdell, 2016, p. 37). Although case studies may at times be a confusing approach, because the study will focus on the community of Northern San Antonio, Texas, property crime, and the police handle property crime, it is important to stick to a qualitative approach for some of the information because is both insightful and allows the researcher to compare information from literature and other similar studies; while the quantitative aspect with the survey helps provide clear data that can be compared.

The case study will have a question and answer-type survey, allowing people to provide their personal opinions and experience related to property crime. However, the data for the questions will be analyzed quantitatively with a second interview to answer open-ended questions.
The literature review will allow the direction of the survey to take shape and promote a focused perspective on the kind information needed to answer the hypotheses. “use the information from qualitative data gathering to select appropriate language and questions for the survey instrument. The aim is to get more credible numerical descriptions and testing of specific hypotheses about patterns of behaviors…” (Pelto, 2016, p. 35).


The design involves the region of Northern San Antonio, Texas. People that have experienced property crime and/or participated in a community support program will be asked to participate in the survey and interview. Literature search criteria will include community support programs and their effectiveness as well as police intervention and improvement or not of property crime rates. Although participants will be asked questions regardless of gender or race/ethnicity, the ages will be 18 and up because ethical reasons and for purposes to identify program participation. All participants must live in Northern San Antonio, Texas.

It is important to gain primary information from participants, but also compare and contrast the information from the literature review. The hypothesis focuses on if people participate in at least one community support program, then property crimes (Property theft) will decrease by 10% within 12 months in Northeast San Antonio, Texas. This requires both quantitative and qualitative information to confirm efficacy. There needs to be an understanding of the influence and impact community support programs have on property crimes and whether police play a negative or positive role in reducing property crime rates.

Quantitative data will provide concrete information showing statistics that will either prove or refute the hypothesis. For example, if the results of the quantitative survey show statistics showing reduce crime rate, higher sense of safety in participants in relation to program participation, than that means the program is effective. To further support this conclusion, qualitative data from brief interviews will explain why these results point to this conclusion. The literature review can be used to decide….....

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