Promotional Activities for Enhancing Customer Loyalty for Grocery and Superstores Methodology Chapter

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Customer Loyalty Program 2 (Guideline and Interview)

Interview Guide for Grocery Store Owners

Promotional Activities, Customer Loyalty, POP, and Customer Retention Philosophies

Relevance: In the contemporary world of marketing, there are numerous techniques that are used to promote new products and services, to entice customers, and to attain a high level of customer retention. Sales promotion techniques are a powerful way of getting the marketing message across to all marketing channels, and are becoming increasingly sophisticated in order to be "seen and heard" in such a crowded market. Many companies use price as an incentive to bring in clients -- however, this is dangerous in the new global marketplace because it sets up a "price war," that is continual and really never viable. Instead, we need to look at other techniques for inspiring Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. This Interview Guide will help us understand how Grocery Store owners are thinking about customers, and what techniques the current use, wish to use, find effective, and in what overall importance they see various marketing techniques as germane to the success of their business.


1. What is the name of your business? How long have you been in business?

2. What is the focus and nature of your grocery business? Are you corporate or privately owned and how many stores if a chain?

3. How many employees do you have? FT/PT/Seasonal?

4. How is your store segmented? By Department (e.g. Meats, Produce, etc.)? Do you have managers for each Department? What are their duties?

5. What is your company's overall marketing strategy?

6. What do you add to that, agree or disagree with, etc.

7. Do you have a person dedicated to Marketing and Sales Promotion?


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Do you have a Marketing/Sales Promotion Training Program for employees?

9. In your business or operational plan, do you have a section devoted to Customer Satisfaction? How about Customer Retention?

10. What are the major ways your organization focuses on Customer Satisfaction?

11. What are the major ways your organization focuses on Customer Retention?

12. What do you think are the top five reasons clients shop with you?

13. You are in a very competitive business; what do you specially do to induce customers to shop with you instead of the competition?

14. We know the 4 P's of Marketing are: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Which of these is your primary marketing focus and why?

15. Do you use and/or believe in Point of Purchase marketing?

16. Is this individualized to your store, or part of other manufacturers or a corporate standard?

17. Is POP effective? Why or why not?

18. Many grocers rely on manufactures for in store promotions, displays, etc. Does your company participate in this?

19. What about couponing? It has been traditional in your industry, is it effective in the 21st century?

20. How does your organization use couponing?

21. Are customers more interested in quality and consistency or price? Explain?

22. Do you have a loyalty program (e.g. clients get a special sale price if they have your store's loyalty card, etc.)?

23. If so, is the program effective? If not, why not?

24. If you do not have a Loyalty Program, why? Do you plan on implementing one?

25. Do you deliver? Why or why not?….....

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