Projections for a Health and Nutrition Company Marketing Plan

Total Length: 2599 words ( 9 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Executive SummaryThis document will review the marketing strategy of MXQ Lifewater and its path to establishing its market presence in the consumer staples and health supplement industry. MXQ Lifewater first solves a systemic problem within society related to healthy lifestyles and the need to live longer more productive lives . Currently around 30% of the United States population is characterized as obese or overweight. This percentage of obesity is projected to increase in the coming years due to a variety of circumstances, which include a sedentary lifestyle, adverse dietary habits, proliferation of fast food, and poor eating habits. According to an article published in the New York times, medical experts predict that nearly half of the United States population will be obese by 2030. These experts also found that nearly 25% of the population will be severely obese.From a society perspective these obesity rates are very alarming. For one, they can cause extreme health complications related to high blood pressure, heart disease, and even cancer. This can in turn impact society through the loss of productivity within the workforce, higher medical expenditure costs, higher insurance costs, and higher premature death counts. Alarmingly, the United States is not alone as it relates to these adverse health statistics. The European union is also experience high obesity rates due in part to the factors mentioned above. This all can significantly impact economic development, productivity, and overall life satisfaction for society overall.MXQ Lifewater, is a product designed to help alleviate and mitigate many of the chronic health issues that plague the developed world. MXQ LifeWater is a product that introduces radical breakthroughs in health beverages, supplements, and products. These breakthroughs leverage proprietary nano-sphere technology designed to create a unique and differentiated product offering within the market. Here, the company utilizes its nano-sphere technology to develop products with ingredients that are much are smaller on a molecular level than competitor product offerings. This allows the human body to more easily absorb these molecules into the bloodstream thereby enhancing overall performance. This technology is embedded in all of the company’s products which include energy drinks, anti-aging creams, muscle relief products and vitamin supplements.Business OverviewMXQ Lifewater is a health and beverage company with was founded in Shenzhen, China by Dr. Xiaoqui Ma, Dr. Danial Zhang and Dr. Rob Davidson. Xiaoqui Ma, has an extensive track record of managing and running publicly listed investment companies. Through his investment expertise, Ma has generated significant alpha by outperforming the market indexes over an extended period of time. Dr. Zhang, is nutritionist who has earned significant recognition throughout the world for his leadership in the nutrition industry. In addition to his role with the company he is also the Vice President of Shenzhen University. Finally, Dr. Robinson is the CEO of the company and has an extensive background with startups within the California market. These individuals have combined their expertise to create a truly unique product offering that is difficult to replicate by competitors. For one the Nanosphere technology is patented and is proprietary to the company. It also has a very strong leadership team looking to leverage their expertise by creating a well-recognized consumers products company throughout the world. Finally, the company has a very unique distribution model due in part to its leadership team in both China and the United States, both of which are the largest markets for health-related products in the world. By having market expertise in the two largest markets in the world, the company is better positioned to capture market share in the future (Aaker, 2003)Target MarketThe target market for the company’s products are those…

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…be used to help improve marketing and sales efforts on their respective platforms. For example, these platforms can help the company improve inventory levels to ensure that products are available at peak times during the year, when sales are the highest. As a health products company, sales will tend to be highest during the New Year’s period. Here, consumers making New Year’s resolutions or those with a renewed health focus often purchase products to help achieve their goals. Through data analytics provided by these platforms, the marketing plan can better target adds, pinpoint consumers, and increase sales volume (Amaral, 2011).Budget and Sales ForecastProjected Subtotal to date:  $249,865.00  CAMPAIGN TYPEQTYPROJECTEDCOST PER UNITPROJECTEDSUBTOTALNational Marketing  SUBTOTAL$ 2,000.00Banner Ads4$ 500.00$ 2,000.00Local Marketing  SUBTOTAL$ 6,200.00Newspaper6$ 600.00$ 3,600.00In-Store Marketing4$ 400.00$ 1,600.00POP2$ 500.00$ 1,000.00Public Relations  SUBTOTAL$ 4,300.00Public Events2$ 1,000.00$ 2,000.00Sponsorships3$ 500.00$ 1,500.00Press Releases8$ 100.00$ 800.00Webinars0$ 200.00$ -Conferences0$ 1,000.00$ -Client Events0$ 1,000.00$ -Content Marketing  SUBTOTAL$ 20,400.00Sponsored Content30$ 200.00$ 6,000.00Landing Page12$ 1,200.00$ 14,400.00White Papers / eBooks0$ 5,000.00$ -Social Media  SUBTOTAL$ 111,000.00Twitter100$ 100.00$ 10,000.00Facebook250$ 100.00$ 25,000.00Pinterest10$ 100.00$ 1,000.00Instagram300$ 100.00$ 30,000.00Google+250$ 100.00$ 25,000.00LinkedIn200$ 100.00$ 20,000.

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00Online  SUBTOTAL$ 40,000.00Blog50$ 800.00$ 40,000.00Website  $ -Mobile App  $ -Mobile Alerts  $ -Email Newsletter  $ -Advertising  SUBTOTAL$ 23,700.00Online4$ 2,500.00$ 10,000.00Print2$ 850.00$ 1,700.00Outdoor12$ 1,000.00$ 12,000.00Radio0$ 500.00$ -Television0$ 500.00$ -Web  SUBTOTAL$ 28,400.00Development1$ 6,400.00$ 6,400.00Pay-Per-Click Marketing200$ 100.00$ 00SEO20$ 100.00$ 2,000.00Market Research  SUBTOTAL$ 4,800.00Surveys6$ 800.00$ 4,800.00Impact Studies  $ -Sales Campaigns  SUBTOTAL$ 5,900.00Campaign A1$ 5,900.00$ 5,900.00Campaign B0$ 5,900.00$ -Other  SUBTOTAL$ 3,165.00Premiums3$ 780.00$ 2,340.00Corporate Branding0$ 1,000.00$ -Business Cards15$ 55.00$ 825.00Signage0$ 100.00$ -Sales ProjectionsAssumptions Price Inflation Per Year3%Unit Growth - Year 1 through Year 330%Unit Growth - Year 3 through Year 515%Sales ProjectionsYear012345MXQ Lifewater Unit Sales100001300016900219702526629055MXQ Lifewater Roll-On Cream Unit Sales150001950025350329553789843583MXQ Lifewater Anti-Aging Cream Unit Sales300039005070659175808717MXQ Lifewater Unit Price$29.99$30.89$31.82$32.77$33.75$34.77MXQ Lifewater Roll-On Cream Unit Price$29.99$30.89$31.82$32.77$33.75$34.77MXQ Lifewater Anti-Aging Cream Unit Price$69.99$72.09$74.25$76.48$78.77$81.14MXQ Lifewater Revenue$299,900.00$401,566.10$537,697.01$719,976.29$852,811.92$1,010,155.72MXQ Lifewater Roll-On Cream Revenue$449,850.00$602,349.15$806,545.51$1,079,964.44$1,279,217.88$1,515,233.58MXQ Lifewater Anti-Aging Cream Revenue$209,970.00$281,149.83$376,459.62$504,079.43$597,082.09$707,243.74Total$959,720.00$1,285,065.08$1,720,702.14$2,304,020.17$2,729,111.89$3,232,633.03.....

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